Zeek has taken interest in one of the local girls. He is in the process of finding out if there is a dowry for her hand in marriage. You can see here they went out for tea, which is served twice a a day. I keep telling him he should back off a little, but he is stubborn. Obviously his weight issue is not problem for this Woman in a Red Dress (those of you old enough will get it.)

I figured Zeek need to cool off, so he got a cold bath. He seems to be happy though. This is a bucket that most Indians will fill up with water and then use a smaller bowl to poor over themselves for bathing. Zeek just jumps in the bucket, no beating around the bush.

Here I was blaming Jeremie for not putting the seat up, and low and behold it is Zeek. I think he is getting even for the cold bath and for my butting in with his new friendship. I think Zeek will be spending some time in the suitcase.
Alan, I see Zeke and you have quite a few things in common. Hair,belly, and bathroom etiquette are but a few.
I see God has favored him like He favored you, with a good looking woman.
Did you ask the gentlemen in the cart if they knew of any good butcher shops nearby?
zeek seems a little different these days. He is smiling alot must be the new friend.
Praise the Lord for the great work you guys are doing. We really miss having you both home. I am having a hard time believing that Jerem has gained wieght. Must be those long showers.
See you soon
love Dad
It is always nice to hear from my good friends when they compliment me so. Mike. . .I have seen pictures of you recently, so I would be careful or I will post a picture of Zeek and you side by side and see if anyone can tell the difference. Good one though. . .Love ya brother.
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