Sunday, November 13, 2011

Love Letter

Lately, I have been hearing more and more that Christians are not reading their Bible, or don’t see it as a priority in their life.  They don’t see it as something important to do, which is sad because it is the way we get to know our Savior.  It seems today that more and more Christians are becoming Biblically illiterate, and it is heart breaking because they are missing so much blessing from the love letter written to us.  The book that tells us of the love of Christ and how we walk in that love, and how we understand our faith in a deep way, has to be read, as we will not learn all there is just from going to service on Sunday.  It has to be a relationship and that is done through reading the Scriptures, because this is how you get to know The Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Think about your closest relationship right now.  In order to grow in that relationship you had to spend time with that person talking and getting to know them.  If they wrote you a letter then I bet you read it and maybe even more than once because it came from someone that means something to you.  My wife and I have been married for 13 years now and I still have letters she wrote to me while we were dating.  Every once in a while I will pull those letters out and read them because they came from her and they are still important to me almost as much as the day when I first received them.  I have read them many times and they don’t get old because they come from someone I deeply love.
If that is the case with my wife then how much more should I be drinking in the Word of God, because Jesus showed me more love and still does then my wife ever could.  So, why wouldn’t I want to read the letters God has written to me.  It is my way to get to know my Savior, the One who gave His life for me.  If I read my wife’s letters without getting old then how much more should the living Bible be read over and over without getting old.
Christ is our Creator, our Redeemer, the living God who wants a relationship and has given a book for us to be nourished and to grow in our relationship with Him.  Yes, prayer is a way to communicate with God, but He typically answers us through the Word.  How much would my prayer life change if I knew Him deeper?
The Bible should be the most worn out book in our houses, but the truth is that it is the biggest dust collector in many of our homes.  Sad to say, this is true in my home many times and my relationship tends to be hurt because of it.  I start to feel distant, my thoughts begin to change and all of a sudden my relationship with God has changed.  Once I start to read again I start to think more about my Savior and talking to Him more.  I start to see things change in my daily walk because I feed on the Word of God.  This is not some simple book, but a living book that changes our lives just from reading it.  This book will not allow us to be the same; you will either be drawn closer to Christ or you will grow more distant.  This book does not allow us to stay the same.
The Bible is the most important book in the Christian faith, because it comes from God Himself.  It is our way to grow in our relationship with God that will change us forever.  I am so thankful for the Bible, that God thought us special enough to write us and talk to us in such a special and meaningful way.  What a Savior we have that loves us enough to give us a book so we can get to know Him so deeply.  Open the Book and get to know the Savior.