This is one of the men's bedroom's at the school. As you can see there is not a lot of room. There can be up to 8 people in this room, which is where they spend a lot of their time when they are not studying. There are no closets, no air conditioning, no washing machines and they share a community bathroom. How many students in the U.S. would go to college in these conditions? Or better yet, How many seminary students would go to Seminary with these as their conditions to study? I bet it would weed out a lot of men who are not as serious as they claim.

This is an ant hill, a very large ant hill, as I took this from about 20 feet from the ground. I was standing on the roof of the college. Now why would I take the time to put a picture of an ant hill up? Good question. Because they worship these ant hills. They will pour milk into the holes and feed them and then worship it. Some will hope that a snake (cobra, yuck) will move in and that will be even better. Not sure how, but they will worship the snake as well.

These are make-shift homes right next to the college on a piece of land. Yes those are homes for families, as there are at least 4 or 5 people living in each one.

Here is a woman from the the make-shift tent above preparing a meal fro the family. They eat what they can find or beg for through out the day. They are very nice and polite people, but they did not speak english, so we were not able to communicate with them.

Here is a young boy from the home in the above pictures. All he has to wear is the shirt you see on him. I decided to put the picture in to show the abject poverty here. They cannot even afford nor able to find clothes for the kids. And this is not uncommon to see. We see children all over the city and villages running around nude because they do not have clothing to wear.

Jeremie is leading everyone in a song in worship that he incorporated in one of his chapel talks. He will also be singing in church our last Sunday here. He will be singing during the Lord's Table.
Here I am with Chuck, the American Missionary, getting ready to leave for school. Nothing like the image of two 6' 4" white males cruising the roads of Bangalore. To say the least, we stuck out a little. Motorcycle and Moped are the most common means of transportation. Thus far I have seen a family of 5 on a Moped. Chuck & Connie have seen 6. It is craziness. No safety seats here.
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