Zeek arrives on his motorcycle somewhere around noon or 1pm, as he does not like to come at 8am when the rest of us arrive. He keeps trying to get Jeremie and I to ride with him, but there is no way!!

Here Zeek is preaching during chapel. I think he may be a little confused as he was talking about gluttony in the exact opposite fashion as he should have been. Not to say I was upset, as eating is one of my favorite pass times, but we are trying to teach Biblically accurate sermons. Needless to say Zeek was not asked to return to speak.

Lastly, Zeek spends the rest of his days surfing the net and emailing with his so called "friends." I am not sure, but I swear he is receiving emails from Adam Strawcutter. That would at least explain why he has been such spaz the entire time he was here. Adam has corrupted him.
After that he does not do much of anything but stand around and stare with that silly grin on his face. He is good though, at staring competitions. He is undefeated thus far, though Jeremie has given him a run for his money and swears he will beat him before we leave India.
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