Watch this video on this link and then sit back and reflect. Would you respond the same way as this young man? Where is your treasure and your heart?
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Social Missionaries
"There is nothing wrong with charitable acts-but they are not to be confused with preaching the Gospel." -- Yohannan.
"To spread an effete, degenerate brand of Christianity to pagan lands is not to fulfill the commandment of Christ or discharge our obligation to the heathen." -- A.W. Tozer
I am currently reading a wonderful book entitled, Revolution in World Missions, by K.P. Yohannan, and it has challenged me and pulled at my heart. At the same time this book has in some ways affirmed what I have been struggling with and have written about on my blogs in the past, and that is the social missionary mindset, where we think we need to feed, clothe and heal before we can preach the saving faith of Christ. It is an "earn the respect to be heard" mentality.
Through my studies of Scripture, working in inner-city ministry, teaching in India and my current ministry experience, I have yet to find that ministry mentality truly work and have questioned it for a while. Reading this book has only clarified my opinion on this concept. We feed, clothe and heal, but their soul end up in hell because we did not yet earn the right to be heard. Mr. Yohannan talks about this in his book as well and he is well versed and experienced in ministry and would recommend to anyone to get this book and read it.
He gives three different "half-truth" as he calls them that are sending people to hell without ever having the chance to receive Christ as Savior and Lord.
The first one he talks about is people ask, "How can we preach the Gospel to a man with an empty stomach?" This is a great question, but my question would be right away; how can one not preach Christ to someone starving? Pastor Yohannan says that there is no difference in the eyes of God between the rich man on fifth avenue and a starving man in the remote areas of India, as they both are sinners in need of Christ. The primary focus should be Christ first then social concerns and not vice-verse. Yes, help them, but first help them with the most important food of all, Jesus Christ, food for our souls, quenching our thirst forever with eternal water.
The second area he talks about are those that say, "social work - meeting only the physical needs of man-is mission work; in fact, it is equal to preaching." Pastor answers this objection quickly as he says that Luke 16:19-25 says differently. What benefit is there in gaining the riches of the world and losing your soul? Lazarus on the other hand made preparations for his soul though he had nothing on earth. Luke 9:25, "For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and is himself destroyed or lost? " He goes to call it a crime to just feed, clothe and heal the poor without preaching Christ. In my opinion this also blows the philosophy of the Emergent Church right out of the water.
Lastly, he takes on the argument that says, "They will not listen to the Gospel unless we offer them something else first." This one can be one of the strongest arguments that are offered, but Pastor Yohannan answers it quickly on pointedly. I will just quote him, "Substituting a bowl of rice for the Holy Spirit and the Word of God will never save a soul and will rarely change the attitude of a man's heart." Ouch!! He then quotes Romans 10:17: "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."
How many of have been guilty of the last one? I know I have before, and I think it comes a lot from our materialistic society, because we think no one can be happy unless they have what we have and they surely will have a hard time accepting Christ if we do not meet their needs first. How many ministries started like this? We will use sports, food banks, clothing outlets, education, music, video games and many other things to entice them in or fill a need instead of praying, relying on the Holy Spirit and preaching the Word. Again, these things in themselves are good, but not the primary activity and unfortunately that tends to happen. We start to worry about funding to support buildings, things and not Christ.
Yohannan uses Thailand as an example of this. He says that after 150 years of Christian missionaries being in Thailand, Christians only make up 2% of the population. He goes onto show how these missionaries focused more on social then Christ. These missionaries brought schools, the first printing press, the first hospital, the first university, first doctor, and in every form of trade and diplomacy Christians were at the forefront helping them and yet there is little to show for it in the what really counts and that is transformed lives in Christ. Pastor Yohannan says, "They died more educated, better governed and healthier -but they died without Christ and are bound for hell." What kind of witness is that? None at all!
Let us start to preach Christ first and then worry about social issues. "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel land and sea to win one proselyte, and when he is won, you make him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves." (Matthew 23:15) This should truly make us think about our ministries and how Christ is preached.
"To spread an effete, degenerate brand of Christianity to pagan lands is not to fulfill the commandment of Christ or discharge our obligation to the heathen." -- A.W. Tozer
I am currently reading a wonderful book entitled, Revolution in World Missions, by K.P. Yohannan, and it has challenged me and pulled at my heart. At the same time this book has in some ways affirmed what I have been struggling with and have written about on my blogs in the past, and that is the social missionary mindset, where we think we need to feed, clothe and heal before we can preach the saving faith of Christ. It is an "earn the respect to be heard" mentality.
Through my studies of Scripture, working in inner-city ministry, teaching in India and my current ministry experience, I have yet to find that ministry mentality truly work and have questioned it for a while. Reading this book has only clarified my opinion on this concept. We feed, clothe and heal, but their soul end up in hell because we did not yet earn the right to be heard. Mr. Yohannan talks about this in his book as well and he is well versed and experienced in ministry and would recommend to anyone to get this book and read it.
He gives three different "half-truth" as he calls them that are sending people to hell without ever having the chance to receive Christ as Savior and Lord.
The first one he talks about is people ask, "How can we preach the Gospel to a man with an empty stomach?" This is a great question, but my question would be right away; how can one not preach Christ to someone starving? Pastor Yohannan says that there is no difference in the eyes of God between the rich man on fifth avenue and a starving man in the remote areas of India, as they both are sinners in need of Christ. The primary focus should be Christ first then social concerns and not vice-verse. Yes, help them, but first help them with the most important food of all, Jesus Christ, food for our souls, quenching our thirst forever with eternal water.
The second area he talks about are those that say, "social work - meeting only the physical needs of man-is mission work; in fact, it is equal to preaching." Pastor answers this objection quickly as he says that Luke 16:19-25 says differently. What benefit is there in gaining the riches of the world and losing your soul? Lazarus on the other hand made preparations for his soul though he had nothing on earth. Luke 9:25, "For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and is himself destroyed or lost? " He goes to call it a crime to just feed, clothe and heal the poor without preaching Christ. In my opinion this also blows the philosophy of the Emergent Church right out of the water.
Lastly, he takes on the argument that says, "They will not listen to the Gospel unless we offer them something else first." This one can be one of the strongest arguments that are offered, but Pastor Yohannan answers it quickly on pointedly. I will just quote him, "Substituting a bowl of rice for the Holy Spirit and the Word of God will never save a soul and will rarely change the attitude of a man's heart." Ouch!! He then quotes Romans 10:17: "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."
How many of have been guilty of the last one? I know I have before, and I think it comes a lot from our materialistic society, because we think no one can be happy unless they have what we have and they surely will have a hard time accepting Christ if we do not meet their needs first. How many ministries started like this? We will use sports, food banks, clothing outlets, education, music, video games and many other things to entice them in or fill a need instead of praying, relying on the Holy Spirit and preaching the Word. Again, these things in themselves are good, but not the primary activity and unfortunately that tends to happen. We start to worry about funding to support buildings, things and not Christ.
Yohannan uses Thailand as an example of this. He says that after 150 years of Christian missionaries being in Thailand, Christians only make up 2% of the population. He goes onto show how these missionaries focused more on social then Christ. These missionaries brought schools, the first printing press, the first hospital, the first university, first doctor, and in every form of trade and diplomacy Christians were at the forefront helping them and yet there is little to show for it in the what really counts and that is transformed lives in Christ. Pastor Yohannan says, "They died more educated, better governed and healthier -but they died without Christ and are bound for hell." What kind of witness is that? None at all!
Let us start to preach Christ first and then worry about social issues. "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel land and sea to win one proselyte, and when he is won, you make him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves." (Matthew 23:15) This should truly make us think about our ministries and how Christ is preached.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Philosophy of Jesus -- Peter Kreeft
I just finished a book, Philosophy of Jesus by Peter Kreeft and I enjoyed it tremendously. I did not agree with some of Catholic philosophy that did not play into the book until the end, as in transubstiation, but otherwise very good.
Dr. Kreeft makes great points all the way throughout his book in regards to Jesus' view of metaphysics, epistemology, anthropology and ethics. It is written very simply with a very simple answer. . . Jesus. Christ is the ultimate end to metaphysics, epistemology, anthropology and ethics.
People today tend focus more on certain issues rather then the end to all those issues. If we were leading people to Christ many of the issues would in the end disappear. Just read about any revival that has happened in the world, and you will see the towns completely changed as the people came to realize Christ as Savior. Alcoholism, drug addiction, teen pregnancy, abortion, and pornography would all either be completely eliminated or would reduce drastically. In the end, leading people to Christ is the ultimate end; Christ is the answer.
If we are not reading the Bible, praying and growing in Him, then how will we be able to teach, model and lead others to Christ. If we are not living like Christ is the answer, then how can we expect others to as well? Do we live as He is the answer to our outlook in life and in all our choices? If not, why not? If we are His followers then should we not be living for Him?
Let's start living as Christ is the answer!
Dr. Kreeft makes great points all the way throughout his book in regards to Jesus' view of metaphysics, epistemology, anthropology and ethics. It is written very simply with a very simple answer. . . Jesus. Christ is the ultimate end to metaphysics, epistemology, anthropology and ethics.
People today tend focus more on certain issues rather then the end to all those issues. If we were leading people to Christ many of the issues would in the end disappear. Just read about any revival that has happened in the world, and you will see the towns completely changed as the people came to realize Christ as Savior. Alcoholism, drug addiction, teen pregnancy, abortion, and pornography would all either be completely eliminated or would reduce drastically. In the end, leading people to Christ is the ultimate end; Christ is the answer.
If we are not reading the Bible, praying and growing in Him, then how will we be able to teach, model and lead others to Christ. If we are not living like Christ is the answer, then how can we expect others to as well? Do we live as He is the answer to our outlook in life and in all our choices? If not, why not? If we are His followers then should we not be living for Him?
Let's start living as Christ is the answer!
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Interesting Article
Here is an interesting article that seems to continue to demonstrate what I have been talking about the past two weeks. We are so focused on issues that we lose the forest for the trees. How does this happen if we are discipling and bringing up our children to love the Lord.
By Marsha West Posted: 07/19/2007
More Dangerous On College Campuses Than You Thought
By Marsha West
Soon thousands of teens and twentysomethings will be going off to “institutions of higher learning.” Young people who’ve been raised with moral values will go behind the fortified walls of Babylon, pretty much unarmed. And the barbarians are prepared to chew them up and spit them out.
Barbarians, you say? OK, liberals. Liberals on college campuses want your son and daughter to have the freedom to have sex (hetro or homo), to binge drink, and to do drugs. Most liberals have little or no respect for faith-based parents and their annoying moral values. In a article “Why Liberals Lie About Sex,” Kevin McCullough points out that liberals “are willing to substitute false thinking for solid fact on the consequences of what will happen. And they do so while simultaneously insulting you and your child's ability to comprehend, discern, and choose behaviors that make the most sense.” In other words, liberals know better than you do what’s best for your child.
Most parents do everything possible to shelter their kids from the evils of this world during their growing up years. Then something rather curious happens on the heels of high school graduation. Moms and dads suddenly misplace their common sense. Poof! Right out the window. Without the slightest hesitation, once protective parents are allowing liberals to shape their teenagers minds with an anti-God worldview. Otherwise intelligent parents fork over a credit card, say “Bye-bye” and drive away, leaving a loved one to wrestle with the world, the flesh and the devil! What’s up with that?
Before you pack your child’s personal possessions into your SUV and whisk him or her off to a secular humanist indoctrination center, read on.
College Drinking Prevention (CDP) is an online resource that offers comprehensive research-based information on issues related to alcohol abuse and binge drinking among college students. According to CDP 1,700 college students between the ages of 18 and 24 die annually from alcohol-related injuries. [1] Betcha haven’t heard that statistic from the artful dodgers in the mainstream media. Instead what’s reported day in and day out is the number of casualties in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Since alcohol and drug use can seriously impair a person’s personal and academic performance, no parent wants his or her child involved in that kind of behavior. Forewarned is forearmed, so here’s some eye-opening data from “A Snapshot of Annual High-Risk College Drinking Consequences” to mull over:
Injury: 599,000 students between the ages of 18 and 24 are unintentionally injured under the influence of alcohol (Hingson et al., 2005).
Assault: More than 696,000 students between the ages of 18 and 24 are assaulted by another student who has been drinking (Hingson et al., 2005).
Sexual Abuse: More than 97,000 students between the ages of 18 and 24 are victims of alcohol-related sexual assault or date rape (Hingson et al., 2005).
Unsafe Sex: 400,000 students between the ages of 18 and 24 had unprotected sex and more than 100,000 students between the ages of 18 and 24 report having been too intoxicated to know if they consented to having sex (Hingson et al., 2002).
Academic Problems: About 25 percent of college students report academic consequences of their drinking including missing class, falling behind, doing poorly on exams or papers, and receiving lower grades overall (Engs et al., 1996; Presley et al., 1996a, 1996b; Wechsler et al., 2002).
Health Problems/Suicide Attempts: More than 150,000 students develop an alcohol-related health problem (Hingson et al., 2002) and between 1.2 and 1.5 percent of students indicate that they tried to commit suicide within the past year due to drinking or drug use (Presley et al., 1998).
This is just the tip of the iceberg. Read more here. [2]
In light of the high-risk behavior on college campuses, many states are offering “higher education” in alcohol and substance abuse prevention. For example, the state of Maine is dealing with the culture of college drinking by making the Higher Education Alcohol Prevention Partnership available for parents and students. [3]
A sad fact is that Christian young people are no angels during their tenure in educational institutions. Whether the institution is Christian or secular, the culture of college drinking includes professed Christians. In his book, University if Destruction, David Wheaton points out that while away at college young people who are brought up in Christian homes face “three Pillars of Peril: Sex, Drugs/Alcohol, and Humanism.” Wheaton says 50 percent lose their faith after four years in college -- and never come back. “For far too many the transition from home-life to campus-life is traumatic -- what begins as a University of Instruction ends up being their University of Destruction…with long-lasting negative effects and no guarantee of return.” [4]
According to the Barna Report, Christian young people “pull away from participation and engagement in Christian churches, particularly during the ‘college years.’ The research shows that, compared to older adults, twentysomethings have significantly lower levels of church attendance, time spent alone studying and reading the Bible, volunteering to help churches, donations to churches, Sunday school and small group involvement, and use of Christian media (including television, radio and magazines).” [5]
The Bible tells us that God’s people are to follow the law of the land. Hate to disappoint but there’s no exception for teens and twentysomethings who wish to sow their wild oats in college. Those who drink alcoholic beverages when they’re not of legal age are lawbreakers. In God’s eyes they’re doing wrong. Romans 13: 1-2 says, "Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves."
Christian colleges do not necessarily provide a safe way to go either. Even some Christian colleges and universities are not unscathed by liberalism. In fact, there are a number of so-called Christian professors who are full-blown liberals!
Of course today’s liberals prefer to call themselves “progressives” hence “progressive Christian.” Don’t be fooled, though. Progressive is simply a euphemism for a person who has a socialist leaning.
So what is the progressive Christian’s modus operandi? To impart utopian ideas that advances an unbiblical socialist ideology to impressionable students. Sadly, a lot of parents are oblivious as to what’s being taught to their sons and daughters, and by whom. Sincere Christians ought to be on top of it!
Granted, choosing a Christian university can be a daunting task, even exhausting. The ideal, of course, is a biblical worldview curriculum for Christian young people so they’ll have the knowledge and skill to engage the culture and have the confidence to stand for truth and righteousness.
But that’s not always the case. As I said, liberals have managed to ingratiate themselves into Christian colleges and universities so parents must exercise humble skepticism. In fact, it’s not a bad idea to explore the stated theological viewpoint and doctrinal statement of colleges and universities that interest you. And don’t be surprised if your investigation shows that certain historic doctrinal statements are no longer held.
Kid’s binge drinking is bad, but it’s also important to call attention to the distorted reality of today’s young people. And a lot of Christian youths also have a very fuzzy view of reality! Ask them what they believe and why they believe it and you’ll hear a very distorted view of Christianity! Why? Because young people are no longer taught the whole Word of God…they’re not learning Church doctrine…they know diddly-do about historic Christianity…they’re influenced by liberalism…they hold to an unbiblical worldview -- the list goes on and on. Is it any wonder that so many Christian youths think and act like pagans? You say, “But what can I do about it?” I’m so glad you asked.
In Josh McDowell’s latest book, The Last Christian Generation, he warns that we’re failing our kids “by not adequately preparing them to face the non-Christian worldviews they will be taught during their educational training.”
Now, the question Christian parents must ask themselves is this: Have I adequately taught my kids a biblical worldview? If your answer is no (or who knows?), consider purchasing the Worldview Weekend Christian Family Survival Kit . [6] It’s imperative that youngsters learn very early on that everything a Christian thinks, says, and does must “filter” through the God’s Word, the Bible. The Secular progressive philosophy and New Age thinking could never pass through a "Christ-filter."
Attending Brannon Howse’s Worldview Weekend helps Christian families to think biblically. Great speakers and fun for all! For details go to
Probe Ministries offers the Mind Games Conference. For details go to and click on Mind Games. Attendees of the Mind Games conference will inoculate kids from unbiblical ideas while strengthening their faith.
So here’s the thing. It’s entirely up to moms and dads to decide if a child is spiritually ready to go off to college, it’s not up to your teenager to decide if he’s ready! Christian youths who are unable to “contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints,” will enter the swamp of “higher education” and find themselves up to their eyeballs in alligators. Spiritually immature teens and twentysomethings may not survive the swamp.
I’ll wrap this up with this suggestion. Christian parents who are unsure of their child’s spiritual maturity ought to consider keeping him at home for a year or two after high school graduation. Working for a while won’t kill him – and it could save his life.
[1] A Snapshot of Annual High-Risk College Drinking By College Drinking Prevention Consequences
[2] Ibid.
[3] Maine’s Higher Education Alcohol Prevention Partnership
[4] David Wheaton’s website,
[5] Most Twentysomethings Put Christianity on the Shelf Following Spiritually Active Teen Years - The Barna Report
[6] Worldview Weekend Christian Family Survival Kit .
Additional Reading
How Not to Lose Your Faith in College By Thabiti Anyabwile
Kingdom Campus: Re-envisioning the Christian College as a Kingdom Resource By Dane Fowlkes,parentCatID.192/rc_detail.asp -
Christian Teens and Drinking By Kelli Mahoney
Copyright by Marsha West, 2007. All rights reserved.Distributed by
By Marsha West Posted: 07/19/2007
More Dangerous On College Campuses Than You Thought
By Marsha West
Soon thousands of teens and twentysomethings will be going off to “institutions of higher learning.” Young people who’ve been raised with moral values will go behind the fortified walls of Babylon, pretty much unarmed. And the barbarians are prepared to chew them up and spit them out.
Barbarians, you say? OK, liberals. Liberals on college campuses want your son and daughter to have the freedom to have sex (hetro or homo), to binge drink, and to do drugs. Most liberals have little or no respect for faith-based parents and their annoying moral values. In a article “Why Liberals Lie About Sex,” Kevin McCullough points out that liberals “are willing to substitute false thinking for solid fact on the consequences of what will happen. And they do so while simultaneously insulting you and your child's ability to comprehend, discern, and choose behaviors that make the most sense.” In other words, liberals know better than you do what’s best for your child.
Most parents do everything possible to shelter their kids from the evils of this world during their growing up years. Then something rather curious happens on the heels of high school graduation. Moms and dads suddenly misplace their common sense. Poof! Right out the window. Without the slightest hesitation, once protective parents are allowing liberals to shape their teenagers minds with an anti-God worldview. Otherwise intelligent parents fork over a credit card, say “Bye-bye” and drive away, leaving a loved one to wrestle with the world, the flesh and the devil! What’s up with that?
Before you pack your child’s personal possessions into your SUV and whisk him or her off to a secular humanist indoctrination center, read on.
College Drinking Prevention (CDP) is an online resource that offers comprehensive research-based information on issues related to alcohol abuse and binge drinking among college students. According to CDP 1,700 college students between the ages of 18 and 24 die annually from alcohol-related injuries. [1] Betcha haven’t heard that statistic from the artful dodgers in the mainstream media. Instead what’s reported day in and day out is the number of casualties in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Since alcohol and drug use can seriously impair a person’s personal and academic performance, no parent wants his or her child involved in that kind of behavior. Forewarned is forearmed, so here’s some eye-opening data from “A Snapshot of Annual High-Risk College Drinking Consequences” to mull over:
Injury: 599,000 students between the ages of 18 and 24 are unintentionally injured under the influence of alcohol (Hingson et al., 2005).
Assault: More than 696,000 students between the ages of 18 and 24 are assaulted by another student who has been drinking (Hingson et al., 2005).
Sexual Abuse: More than 97,000 students between the ages of 18 and 24 are victims of alcohol-related sexual assault or date rape (Hingson et al., 2005).
Unsafe Sex: 400,000 students between the ages of 18 and 24 had unprotected sex and more than 100,000 students between the ages of 18 and 24 report having been too intoxicated to know if they consented to having sex (Hingson et al., 2002).
Academic Problems: About 25 percent of college students report academic consequences of their drinking including missing class, falling behind, doing poorly on exams or papers, and receiving lower grades overall (Engs et al., 1996; Presley et al., 1996a, 1996b; Wechsler et al., 2002).
Health Problems/Suicide Attempts: More than 150,000 students develop an alcohol-related health problem (Hingson et al., 2002) and between 1.2 and 1.5 percent of students indicate that they tried to commit suicide within the past year due to drinking or drug use (Presley et al., 1998).
This is just the tip of the iceberg. Read more here. [2]
In light of the high-risk behavior on college campuses, many states are offering “higher education” in alcohol and substance abuse prevention. For example, the state of Maine is dealing with the culture of college drinking by making the Higher Education Alcohol Prevention Partnership available for parents and students. [3]
A sad fact is that Christian young people are no angels during their tenure in educational institutions. Whether the institution is Christian or secular, the culture of college drinking includes professed Christians. In his book, University if Destruction, David Wheaton points out that while away at college young people who are brought up in Christian homes face “three Pillars of Peril: Sex, Drugs/Alcohol, and Humanism.” Wheaton says 50 percent lose their faith after four years in college -- and never come back. “For far too many the transition from home-life to campus-life is traumatic -- what begins as a University of Instruction ends up being their University of Destruction…with long-lasting negative effects and no guarantee of return.” [4]
According to the Barna Report, Christian young people “pull away from participation and engagement in Christian churches, particularly during the ‘college years.’ The research shows that, compared to older adults, twentysomethings have significantly lower levels of church attendance, time spent alone studying and reading the Bible, volunteering to help churches, donations to churches, Sunday school and small group involvement, and use of Christian media (including television, radio and magazines).” [5]
The Bible tells us that God’s people are to follow the law of the land. Hate to disappoint but there’s no exception for teens and twentysomethings who wish to sow their wild oats in college. Those who drink alcoholic beverages when they’re not of legal age are lawbreakers. In God’s eyes they’re doing wrong. Romans 13: 1-2 says, "Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves."
Christian colleges do not necessarily provide a safe way to go either. Even some Christian colleges and universities are not unscathed by liberalism. In fact, there are a number of so-called Christian professors who are full-blown liberals!
Of course today’s liberals prefer to call themselves “progressives” hence “progressive Christian.” Don’t be fooled, though. Progressive is simply a euphemism for a person who has a socialist leaning.
So what is the progressive Christian’s modus operandi? To impart utopian ideas that advances an unbiblical socialist ideology to impressionable students. Sadly, a lot of parents are oblivious as to what’s being taught to their sons and daughters, and by whom. Sincere Christians ought to be on top of it!
Granted, choosing a Christian university can be a daunting task, even exhausting. The ideal, of course, is a biblical worldview curriculum for Christian young people so they’ll have the knowledge and skill to engage the culture and have the confidence to stand for truth and righteousness.
But that’s not always the case. As I said, liberals have managed to ingratiate themselves into Christian colleges and universities so parents must exercise humble skepticism. In fact, it’s not a bad idea to explore the stated theological viewpoint and doctrinal statement of colleges and universities that interest you. And don’t be surprised if your investigation shows that certain historic doctrinal statements are no longer held.
Kid’s binge drinking is bad, but it’s also important to call attention to the distorted reality of today’s young people. And a lot of Christian youths also have a very fuzzy view of reality! Ask them what they believe and why they believe it and you’ll hear a very distorted view of Christianity! Why? Because young people are no longer taught the whole Word of God…they’re not learning Church doctrine…they know diddly-do about historic Christianity…they’re influenced by liberalism…they hold to an unbiblical worldview -- the list goes on and on. Is it any wonder that so many Christian youths think and act like pagans? You say, “But what can I do about it?” I’m so glad you asked.
In Josh McDowell’s latest book, The Last Christian Generation, he warns that we’re failing our kids “by not adequately preparing them to face the non-Christian worldviews they will be taught during their educational training.”
Now, the question Christian parents must ask themselves is this: Have I adequately taught my kids a biblical worldview? If your answer is no (or who knows?), consider purchasing the Worldview Weekend Christian Family Survival Kit . [6] It’s imperative that youngsters learn very early on that everything a Christian thinks, says, and does must “filter” through the God’s Word, the Bible. The Secular progressive philosophy and New Age thinking could never pass through a "Christ-filter."
Attending Brannon Howse’s Worldview Weekend helps Christian families to think biblically. Great speakers and fun for all! For details go to
Probe Ministries offers the Mind Games Conference. For details go to and click on Mind Games. Attendees of the Mind Games conference will inoculate kids from unbiblical ideas while strengthening their faith.
So here’s the thing. It’s entirely up to moms and dads to decide if a child is spiritually ready to go off to college, it’s not up to your teenager to decide if he’s ready! Christian youths who are unable to “contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints,” will enter the swamp of “higher education” and find themselves up to their eyeballs in alligators. Spiritually immature teens and twentysomethings may not survive the swamp.
I’ll wrap this up with this suggestion. Christian parents who are unsure of their child’s spiritual maturity ought to consider keeping him at home for a year or two after high school graduation. Working for a while won’t kill him – and it could save his life.
[1] A Snapshot of Annual High-Risk College Drinking By College Drinking Prevention Consequences
[2] Ibid.
[3] Maine’s Higher Education Alcohol Prevention Partnership
[4] David Wheaton’s website,
[5] Most Twentysomethings Put Christianity on the Shelf Following Spiritually Active Teen Years - The Barna Report
[6] Worldview Weekend Christian Family Survival Kit .
Additional Reading
How Not to Lose Your Faith in College By Thabiti Anyabwile
Kingdom Campus: Re-envisioning the Christian College as a Kingdom Resource By Dane Fowlkes,parentCatID.192/rc_detail.asp -
Christian Teens and Drinking By Kelli Mahoney
Copyright by Marsha West, 2007. All rights reserved.Distributed by
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Family Guy or Family Destruction?
I have heard Christians from many different churches and denominations tell me, "Family Guy is funny, but it can be very offensive to Christianity, but they are offensive to everyone." This is shocking to me, because does it make it alright that as long as someone is being offensive to all other faiths that it is alright to make fun of our God, of our Savior, Jesus Christ? Not to me!
I am for one becoming sick and tired of Christians who keep rationalizing watching these programs that purposely portray Jesus Christ in the manner they do. They make a mockery of our faith and our Savior and then it is rationalized because they make fun of other faiths as well. I am wondering if these shows make fun of Islam and Muhammad? I am guessing no, because they are afraid of the fallout that it would cause. Just look at what a little comic caused. But Jesus, the true God is fair game because Christians will just fluff it off as funny and alright because they are making fun of other faiths as well. Where is the respect, admonition and awe of our Savior? It sure is not demonstrated in watching programs as this.
Below is several clips demonstrating the "humor" of Family Guy. I find it appalling and it made me sick to my stomach to watch it and to think of how many Christians told me they watch it, especially Christians in leadership and public positions. It saddens me that we would rationalize something so repulsive as humorous. When we were younger the worst thing was always to say something bad about the other persons mom. How much worse our Savior?
Watch this video and tell me how this in anyway goes with what Paul tells us in Philippians 4:8-9, "Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you."
Or what Jesus said in Matthew 22:37, "Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind."
This is not a Family Guy, and is more in the realm of Family destruction and should not be watched by any Christian. It is trash plain and simple.
"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. 2And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." Romans 12:1-2
I am for one becoming sick and tired of Christians who keep rationalizing watching these programs that purposely portray Jesus Christ in the manner they do. They make a mockery of our faith and our Savior and then it is rationalized because they make fun of other faiths as well. I am wondering if these shows make fun of Islam and Muhammad? I am guessing no, because they are afraid of the fallout that it would cause. Just look at what a little comic caused. But Jesus, the true God is fair game because Christians will just fluff it off as funny and alright because they are making fun of other faiths as well. Where is the respect, admonition and awe of our Savior? It sure is not demonstrated in watching programs as this.
Below is several clips demonstrating the "humor" of Family Guy. I find it appalling and it made me sick to my stomach to watch it and to think of how many Christians told me they watch it, especially Christians in leadership and public positions. It saddens me that we would rationalize something so repulsive as humorous. When we were younger the worst thing was always to say something bad about the other persons mom. How much worse our Savior?
Watch this video and tell me how this in anyway goes with what Paul tells us in Philippians 4:8-9, "Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you."
Or what Jesus said in Matthew 22:37, "Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind."
This is not a Family Guy, and is more in the realm of Family destruction and should not be watched by any Christian. It is trash plain and simple.
"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. 2And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." Romans 12:1-2
Monday, July 16, 2007
What is more Important?
I have been back in America for almost a week now, and unfortunately I have been sick for three of those days. I am starting to do some minor work and put in a movie, Blood Diamond. This is a very powerful movie, and very heart wrenching. What happens in this movie is dispicable by anyone's standards. It certainly makes me look at the diamond industry in a whole new fashion, not hat I am one of their biggest customers anyway.
More then that, I was distraught by the human condition demonstrated in this movie. I realize that there was some things done to stop this violence, at least partially, but what about their eternal destiny. In the movie they talk about God for a minute and Dicaprio says, "God left this place a long time ago." If so, why? Who is being Christ to these people?
I am not sure even why I am writing this, but I feel compelled to write something, an act in volition. But here is the conundrumn, why do we as Americans act as if we have all the answers when our society is really no better then the third world nations. We just hide our internal wars better. There may not be blood and gore, at least on the surface, but there sure is underneath where it really matters. We are not suppose to care about those that can kill the body, but the One that can kill the soul.
We are not killing ourselves by having revolts within our country as in Blood Diamond, but we are certainly doing just as much damage by what we are teaching as acceptable today in the United States. We cry out about social justices: poverty, slavery, and revolutions, which are all great and should be done. But where is our cry about Christian values being deteriorated: no prayer in school (even if it is voluntary), churches teacing sin as alright (homosexuality, sex before marriage as alright, "pastors" teaching heresy and being deemed as good (Rob Bell, Brian Mclaren, and pretty much every Word of Faith teacher).
We are losing the souls of the American society and there is very little cry about it. Instead we are worried about diseases and issues that destroy the body instead of the soul. I will be curious to see how many come to Christ through Rick Warren's P.E.A.C.E. plan. Great to solve AIDS problem, but what about salvation? Do you think in partnering with the people he does he will be witnessing like he should? Do you think AIDS will drop because of man or God?
Maybe if people come to Christ they will stop having sex before marriage and with prostitutes, raping people and using drugs. Maybe if people accept Christ as Lord and Savior then there would be less child violence and poor moral behavior because they would see shows like Family Guy, Simpsons, Southpark for what they are: trash; they would see games as Grand Theft Auto, all the gangster games, and Sniper for what they are: corruption in a package.
Same would go for other countries. Why aren't we teaching people how to preach the Word of God? Focus more on making doctrinally sound disciples, and then see God move in their lives and those around them. Save the soul and watch the Holy Spirit move in the body.
What is better? Going to other countries to help them cure AIDS and then see something worse because sin continues, or teach them about the truths of Christ and watch AIDS diminish because of the change in men/women? Sure the first lets us give ourselves a pat on the back, because we think we did something and it was us; but which would you rather stand before God and answer to. That I helped save the body, but lost the soul or saved the soul and quite possibly saved the body as well.
Again, I am not speaking against social issues, and believe we should strive to find ways to heal the sick and help the poor have better lives. What I am saying is where is our priority? Heath or Holiness, Salvation or sickness, Christ or causes? Unfortunately I think today we are more caught up in health, sickness and causes then the salvation offered by Christ. We are more about physical health then spiritual health.
It is time to change our priorities, not eliminate them. We need to move salvation above all else. Yes, help the sick, help the poor, help your neighbor, but do it by offering Christ (eternal health) first then if possible temporal health. What good does it for a man to have all the money in the world and then lose his soul? What good does it to be cured of AIDS, cancer, or poverty then die and lose your soul?
What is more important to you?
More then that, I was distraught by the human condition demonstrated in this movie. I realize that there was some things done to stop this violence, at least partially, but what about their eternal destiny. In the movie they talk about God for a minute and Dicaprio says, "God left this place a long time ago." If so, why? Who is being Christ to these people?
I am not sure even why I am writing this, but I feel compelled to write something, an act in volition. But here is the conundrumn, why do we as Americans act as if we have all the answers when our society is really no better then the third world nations. We just hide our internal wars better. There may not be blood and gore, at least on the surface, but there sure is underneath where it really matters. We are not suppose to care about those that can kill the body, but the One that can kill the soul.
We are not killing ourselves by having revolts within our country as in Blood Diamond, but we are certainly doing just as much damage by what we are teaching as acceptable today in the United States. We cry out about social justices: poverty, slavery, and revolutions, which are all great and should be done. But where is our cry about Christian values being deteriorated: no prayer in school (even if it is voluntary), churches teacing sin as alright (homosexuality, sex before marriage as alright, "pastors" teaching heresy and being deemed as good (Rob Bell, Brian Mclaren, and pretty much every Word of Faith teacher).
We are losing the souls of the American society and there is very little cry about it. Instead we are worried about diseases and issues that destroy the body instead of the soul. I will be curious to see how many come to Christ through Rick Warren's P.E.A.C.E. plan. Great to solve AIDS problem, but what about salvation? Do you think in partnering with the people he does he will be witnessing like he should? Do you think AIDS will drop because of man or God?
Maybe if people come to Christ they will stop having sex before marriage and with prostitutes, raping people and using drugs. Maybe if people accept Christ as Lord and Savior then there would be less child violence and poor moral behavior because they would see shows like Family Guy, Simpsons, Southpark for what they are: trash; they would see games as Grand Theft Auto, all the gangster games, and Sniper for what they are: corruption in a package.
Same would go for other countries. Why aren't we teaching people how to preach the Word of God? Focus more on making doctrinally sound disciples, and then see God move in their lives and those around them. Save the soul and watch the Holy Spirit move in the body.
What is better? Going to other countries to help them cure AIDS and then see something worse because sin continues, or teach them about the truths of Christ and watch AIDS diminish because of the change in men/women? Sure the first lets us give ourselves a pat on the back, because we think we did something and it was us; but which would you rather stand before God and answer to. That I helped save the body, but lost the soul or saved the soul and quite possibly saved the body as well.
Again, I am not speaking against social issues, and believe we should strive to find ways to heal the sick and help the poor have better lives. What I am saying is where is our priority? Heath or Holiness, Salvation or sickness, Christ or causes? Unfortunately I think today we are more caught up in health, sickness and causes then the salvation offered by Christ. We are more about physical health then spiritual health.
It is time to change our priorities, not eliminate them. We need to move salvation above all else. Yes, help the sick, help the poor, help your neighbor, but do it by offering Christ (eternal health) first then if possible temporal health. What good does it for a man to have all the money in the world and then lose his soul? What good does it to be cured of AIDS, cancer, or poverty then die and lose your soul?
What is more important to you?
Monday, July 09, 2007
Time to Depart
This is our last day in India. We are preparing for our departure, and looking forward to seeing family and friends. There is so many memories and so many stories to tell and we look forward to telling all of them upon our return.
We have seen God move in our lives and the lives of those we have been in contact with while serving here. It has been a great pleasure and blessing to be able to serve and be served through out our stay.
Now it is time to return and pray that the seeds that were planted will grow and multiply, but in the end I just want God's will and not mine. I think I have been able to release more of my control and allow God to fill that void, and it is a joy to experience. To die more to self and live more in Christ, that is the goal.
I preached last night and I wanted it to be a challenge to the students, but it ultimately became a challenge for me. The challenge to lose ourselves, to empty ourselves and be filled with Christ. John 3:30, “He must become greater; I must become less.” That should be our goal. I talked about being a servant, being humble and being joyful in Lord and what those really meant.
Do we serve as Christ did? Are we willing to look foolish for God? Jesus, the Lord of our lives demonstrated being a servant and humble in the act of washing the disciples feet. When was the last time any of us acted in such a manner? Do we see ourselves worth more then what Christ portrayed with His disciples? If He showed love and humility in such a manner; how much more should we?
Joy in the Bible seems to be surrounded by persecution, trials and tribulation. The disciples were always joyous when they were able to suffer as Christ did. Are we only joyful when we think God is blessing us? Are we joyful when we are persecuted for the faith, or going through sufferings for His sake? Do we pray that God would include us in His sufferings, that we would be honored to join Him in that aspect of Christianity? Are we willing to really follow through? It is convicting to think about, and quite possibly impossible to pray in our own power, but we should be willing.
These are tough questions to ask and to answer. I know that I have failed many times, but I long to be that person. Do you? Take time and seek the Lord and pray the tough prayer that He would become more and you/me less. In the end it is not about you and me, but our Father in Heaven. Like the song says, "It is all about you Jesus!" Pray these words and mean them.
Luke 14:26“If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple. 27And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple."
If we are not putting Him before everything, including our families, jobs, education and hobbies then we are not following as we should. Is our love for God more then anyone or anything else? How can we truly love if we do not love the perfect love Giver most?
Where are you at today? Reflect, seek and ask for God to show you how to become less, so He becomes more.
We have seen God move in our lives and the lives of those we have been in contact with while serving here. It has been a great pleasure and blessing to be able to serve and be served through out our stay.
Now it is time to return and pray that the seeds that were planted will grow and multiply, but in the end I just want God's will and not mine. I think I have been able to release more of my control and allow God to fill that void, and it is a joy to experience. To die more to self and live more in Christ, that is the goal.
I preached last night and I wanted it to be a challenge to the students, but it ultimately became a challenge for me. The challenge to lose ourselves, to empty ourselves and be filled with Christ. John 3:30, “He must become greater; I must become less.” That should be our goal. I talked about being a servant, being humble and being joyful in Lord and what those really meant.
Do we serve as Christ did? Are we willing to look foolish for God? Jesus, the Lord of our lives demonstrated being a servant and humble in the act of washing the disciples feet. When was the last time any of us acted in such a manner? Do we see ourselves worth more then what Christ portrayed with His disciples? If He showed love and humility in such a manner; how much more should we?
Joy in the Bible seems to be surrounded by persecution, trials and tribulation. The disciples were always joyous when they were able to suffer as Christ did. Are we only joyful when we think God is blessing us? Are we joyful when we are persecuted for the faith, or going through sufferings for His sake? Do we pray that God would include us in His sufferings, that we would be honored to join Him in that aspect of Christianity? Are we willing to really follow through? It is convicting to think about, and quite possibly impossible to pray in our own power, but we should be willing.
These are tough questions to ask and to answer. I know that I have failed many times, but I long to be that person. Do you? Take time and seek the Lord and pray the tough prayer that He would become more and you/me less. In the end it is not about you and me, but our Father in Heaven. Like the song says, "It is all about you Jesus!" Pray these words and mean them.
Luke 14:26“If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple. 27And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple."
If we are not putting Him before everything, including our families, jobs, education and hobbies then we are not following as we should. Is our love for God more then anyone or anything else? How can we truly love if we do not love the perfect love Giver most?
Where are you at today? Reflect, seek and ask for God to show you how to become less, so He becomes more.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Last photos of India!!!
Here I am with Chuck, the American Missionary, getting ready to leave for school. Nothing like the image of two 6' 4" white males cruising the roads of Bangalore. To say the least, we stuck out a little. Motorcycle and Moped are the most common means of transportation. Thus far I have seen a family of 5 on a Moped. Chuck & Connie have seen 6. It is craziness. No safety seats here.
Zeek Attack. . .A Day in the Life of Zeek.
After that he does not do much of anything but stand around and stare with that silly grin on his face. He is good though, at staring competitions. He is undefeated thus far, though Jeremie has given him a run for his money and swears he will beat him before we leave India.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
The Most Powerful Chapel I Heard in India!!!!
I was not going to write anything today, as I am feeling under the weather and a little tired, but when I went to chapel I heard a wonderful message presented by a young man that I am very proud of, Jeremie Bair.
He had me in tears at least twice through his thirty minute talk. Jeremie started his talk on worship, but felt the Lord leading him into challenging the students and faculty about their faith walks. Jeremie talked openly about reaching the weird and the abnormal, or at least our opinions of it. He asked if we remembered our Salvation experience, and then asked if we wanted that same experience for those who do not know Jesus? Is what we have just for those like us and not for those who are not, the goth person, the homosexual, the eunuch's in India?
Jeremie was right when he said that we are moving towards the eternal. Yes, we have a sinful nature, but it was handled by the cross and resurrection of Jesus. He asked why there are 16 year old kids making suicide packs. How come in our American society that claims to be Christian there are children thinking there is nothing to live for? Why has no one told or showed them the love of Jesus? If we are such a Christian society, where is our boldness for Christ? Where is our passion to see others experience what we experience in Jesus?
When was the last time you told someone about Christ? Jeremie said that we are all called to preach the word in our given areas by God, and he is right. Does your co-worker know you are a believer? If not, how come? Does your classmate and professor know you are a Christian? If not, why? Because it could cost you your job? Your grades? Your friends? Is not that worth having them know that you love Christ more then anything, that before all else you choose Jesus and you want that same understanding and experience for them as well. As a wonderful friend told asked us once, "Do you leak Jesus?"
As believers do we truly understand the importance of our Salvation? Do we love and cherish it so much that we want everyone we come into contact with to share and enjoy the same experience? I know I have failed at this. It hurts to think about. Jeremie asked this question: "Christ gave everything for you; are you willing to give everything in return?" "Or are you only giving a part and holding onto some sin?" "Does your Spirit ache when you know some of your friends, relatives, or the 'weird' do not know Christ?" "If not, why? It should."
God used this young man that I brought with me to learn some things to remind me and teach me some things. I am so glad that he was open to the leading of God in his talk and allowed the Spirit to speak through him. It drew me to prayer and it was by far the most challenging message that I heard at the Seminary chapels this past three weeks.
Jeremie's challenge was this: Share your faith. Do not keep what is supposed to most cherished of all a secret. Go into all the nations and tell those about our Savior and Lord. When we see a movie we like, we go out and tell everyone about it and are not ashamed. We have ETERNAL Salvation, the only way and we keep it to ourselves. SHARE YOUR FAITH!!! How can we not?
Thank you Jeremie for such a powerful reminder of how we should be looking at our faith and our Savior.
This Should Be Benny Hinn's New Theme Song!
I just found this a little funny in my warped sense of humor.
News Worthy!!
This article says it best, so I will just let you read and see what is so news worthy.
Monday, July 02, 2007
Weighing the Heart! -- Jeremie Bair
Ten full-length days before we leave India. I can’t believe that our time here is already so close to an end. I feel like there is so much more to do. Ever since I settled in here I have felt a weight on my heart.
There is nothing in my life in the United States that is difficult. Day to day, year to year, all things can be managed with a strong will and a little bit of time. In this country you must compete on a grand scale, and if you are not competing for a “good life” then you are giving it all up for the Lord, in the case of Christian leaders.
Havilah, the daughter of Jayakumar and Prima, explained to me a little about the education system that she graduated. When she was in tenth grade she had to take a standardized test, along with 500,000 classmates. She told me that this year, the percentage of passing students was 51%. By U.S. standards that is not a great number to brag about. Havi passed the test of course, then she took an aptitude test in which she scored in such a way that she was given the opportunity to study Dentistry. Student’s here aspire to study Dentistry so that they can move to the U.S. and make far more money there than in their home country. In fact, Havi told me that most students aim to take their degrees to the States because of the money. Although she was only accepted in Dentistry, she pleaded for a more serving type of medical study. After being scolded for turning down the acclaimed study she’d been accepted in, they allowed her to study Speech pathology and Audiology. She also plans on staying in India to serve people in her own country, as she has a heart for the country and the people. She also speaks five languages including English.
Rajesh, one of the students in Alan’s classes left his five year old child with the grandparents so that he could continue studying God’s Word at the school here. His wife has come along with him to study as well.
Many of these students at the school already were leading at least one church. Key words are, “at least”. Some had planted a church and were completely uneducated of the Bible or Theology beyond what they could read themselves in their own daily time. Upon meeting Jayakumar they were invited to study at the school to be educated for the betterment of the church as a whole.
Jayakumar has a real desire to educate the leaders of India’s current church, as well as those who will be leaders in the near future. I am told that Uncle Jay will not turn down a student. There have been numerous times that students have enrolled without any way to cover the costs of living and study materials. There is a terribly great need for money, not for taxes, or bills or any of that sort; for the education of the uneducated. Money intended for the education of those who WANT and NEED to learn more about the God of creation. Uncle Jay is only the founder of the school in Bangalore. He no longer wishes to be a part of the staff, as he once was. He wishes to build new schools and new connections and new students.
How can one complain?
There is nothing in my life in the United States that is difficult. Day to day, year to year, all things can be managed with a strong will and a little bit of time. In this country you must compete on a grand scale, and if you are not competing for a “good life” then you are giving it all up for the Lord, in the case of Christian leaders.
Havilah, the daughter of Jayakumar and Prima, explained to me a little about the education system that she graduated. When she was in tenth grade she had to take a standardized test, along with 500,000 classmates. She told me that this year, the percentage of passing students was 51%. By U.S. standards that is not a great number to brag about. Havi passed the test of course, then she took an aptitude test in which she scored in such a way that she was given the opportunity to study Dentistry. Student’s here aspire to study Dentistry so that they can move to the U.S. and make far more money there than in their home country. In fact, Havi told me that most students aim to take their degrees to the States because of the money. Although she was only accepted in Dentistry, she pleaded for a more serving type of medical study. After being scolded for turning down the acclaimed study she’d been accepted in, they allowed her to study Speech pathology and Audiology. She also plans on staying in India to serve people in her own country, as she has a heart for the country and the people. She also speaks five languages including English.
Rajesh, one of the students in Alan’s classes left his five year old child with the grandparents so that he could continue studying God’s Word at the school here. His wife has come along with him to study as well.
Many of these students at the school already were leading at least one church. Key words are, “at least”. Some had planted a church and were completely uneducated of the Bible or Theology beyond what they could read themselves in their own daily time. Upon meeting Jayakumar they were invited to study at the school to be educated for the betterment of the church as a whole.
Jayakumar has a real desire to educate the leaders of India’s current church, as well as those who will be leaders in the near future. I am told that Uncle Jay will not turn down a student. There have been numerous times that students have enrolled without any way to cover the costs of living and study materials. There is a terribly great need for money, not for taxes, or bills or any of that sort; for the education of the uneducated. Money intended for the education of those who WANT and NEED to learn more about the God of creation. Uncle Jay is only the founder of the school in Bangalore. He no longer wishes to be a part of the staff, as he once was. He wishes to build new schools and new connections and new students.
How can one complain?
(There are two other posts following that we put up on the same day)
So Many Pictures -- So Little Time to Write
ZEEK --- You Little Dog!!
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