Saturday, September 13, 2008

Morality or Money?

Luke 11:23, “He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters.”

Let’s set the record straight. Jesus was political and at times very political, though He never talked against a specific topic. He ran people out of the temple for using it for profit in Matthew 21:12, which would be seen as making a political statement as much as a religious statement. He went directly against rules set up and accepted by the government as it pertains to buying and selling within the walls of the temple. You don’t think the government made money off the taxes? In Matthew 22:19, He tells everyone to pay to Caesar what is his and give to God what is His. This is also political and a directed political statement in regards to paying taxes. These are just two examples of Jesus making political statements and there are many more, all one has to do is dig into the four Gospels and you cannot miss it.

Secondly, separation of church and state is the biggest hoax ever played on America. These five words are found nowhere in the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence. It is based on a note Jefferson wrote to Darby and was then taken out of context. Not a law, or a foundational principal, but a letter to a friend. If the founders wanted us to be separate then why did they support Missionaries and start Churches with government funding? Why did they support Christian pastors? Why begin with prayer before meetings? The argument of separating faith from politics fails on all levels, both Biblically and foundationally. It also fails philosophically and logically, because every law is morally based, it is just a question of whose morals will be made to rule.

Interesting though, that the areas that Christ was interested in politically are almost the exact opposite of what some Christians today say as their reasoning for voting for a certain candidate. Read the Ten Commandments from Exodus 20 and you will see all the laws that God was concerned with were moral, and every time Jesus made a commandment it was moral, i.e. “Love your neighbor as yourself; go and make disciples of all the nations.” Neither seem to be concerned with money, economics, or the other. I believe the biggest reason why is if we are doing the others, those things tend to fall into place. If we are loving each other as described in the Bible then we would have a great educational system and health care would not be a worry, as neither would the poor.

Why is it then we worry more about money then morality when we elect someone to the highest office? Please do not tell me that our faith is not to be in politics, because if it isn’t then you are sinning. You are either for God or against Him in every area of your life. No part is hidden from Him and we are accountable to all areas, including politics. God does not hide when we decide a President, though He might if we keep sinning and not correcting our moral standard. Matthew 12:30, “He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad.” This includes how you participate in your political life.

How can we trust a President to run our school systems correctly or help the children struggling if he votes to have them killed before they even have a chance to make it to school? How do we not know that he will then implement euthanasia for the older patients that are not “viable” anymore? That would help the healthcare system costs, right? Maybe he will hire Dr. Peter Singer to help him implement his health care plans, and if you do not know him you should look up what he feels about abortion and euthanasia.

If our next President does not line up Biblically in the realm of morals then there is no reason to trust him with anything else. President Bill Clinton proved this time and again with his immoralities. Has President Bush made mistakes? Absolutely, including not changing his V.P. last election and the next President that is elected will make mistakes, as we are all sinners. The point is that we can rest more assured that if they are following the Biblical standard for morals that when they are making decisions for our Country they will take into consideration what Christ would want done for His children. Whether that means defending us, leading us, or helping through government interventions, he/she will take into account the absolute truth through Scripture. Even more preferably they would be a strong Christian leader as defined in First and Second Timothy.

How in the world can a Christian vote for someone that is not a Christian? Why would you even begin to think that they are going to care about you or anyone else to the fullest, and not their own best intentions? Christianity is the truth and the only faith that is gained by faith and that teaches love in the essence of “loving as Christ loved us.” What other faith has a teaching that is based on faith and love and not works? The answer is none.

Want a great study on voting for money (economics) or education over morality, then study how Hitler came to power. Study how Stalin came to power, and study how Putin is now turning Russia slowly back into a communist state. They promise economic prosperity, education and health care for everyone. None of it happened, but people blindly followed because it sounded “great.” No one listened to the voices telling people not to vote for them, because nothing good would come out of it based on moral implications from Biblical truth. That is why one of the first things they do is try to silence the Church and Pastors from speaking out against such atrocities.

In my previous blogs I have already dealt with the abortion issue, which should be a very large factor for any Christian. I believe anyone that supports abortion should be negated from a Christian vote. It is murder and Christians are not to murder. The baby is a life and just as dependent on outside sources as you are, because you need the atmosphere, food grown by the earth and your brain (mind) while you sleep. The baby’s atmosphere is the amniotic fluid, their food is the umbilical cord, and their brain (mind) while they sleep. The only difference is location and growth.

If you believe we are to love, then what is more loving then to protect children that cannot protect themselves? How can anyone vote for someone that allows the killing of the innocent? They were formed by God and did not come by choice, yet instead of protecting them by our votes, some choose the candidates that vote to kill them for economic reasons. Meaning if you vote for his economic plan, then are you therefore voting for abortion? At least by his standards you are.

Please do not use the soldier theory, as that is a false syllogism, because soldiers choose to join the service and when they join they know there is the prospect of death, just as officers, firemen and even farmers (one of the most dangerous jobs in America) know there is the chance of death in their professions. Babies do not choose, someone is choosing for them. Choosing to kill is not love, it is hate and trying to avoid the topic by saying it is “Above my Pay Grade,” is not an answer we should expect from a potential President.

1 John 3:10, “In this the children of God and the children of the devil are manifest: Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is he who does not love his brother.”

How is killing innocent babies practicing righteousness?

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