Saturday, August 23, 2008

Facebook Debate

Below is a debate that I have been engaged on Facebook, because of my blog about Obama and his symbol. It is always interesting to me the blogs people choose to call out, but none-the-less here it is. The only area I did not reply to on his comment is his telling me that I have to call out McCain as well. Actually, I do not, as it is my personal blog and my thoughts, but as I did state below I will at some point write on him. If I choose all positive for him and negative for Obama, then that will be my choice.

I am not using his name, I will just delineate between comments by using “him” and “me(Alan).”
Please add your thoughts and comments to this debate. Maybe I am missing something or wrong somewhere. I am always willing to learn with good evidence But, do not get into name calling, as I will not post the comment then. You can attack the premise and the argument, but please do not attack the person. You can attack me, that is fine, but not the other person.

(Him) Dude...McCain's plane doesn't have the flag on the tail either...There is a picture of it on one of the links you posted. I think if you are going to call out Obama and question his motives, than you have to call out McCain too. Also, with the lapel pin thing you mentioned in the beginning, I saw an interview with a Senator who was bashing Obama for not wearing one, while he himself was not wearing one on his jacket either! we please stop writing about stupid nonsense and actually focus on issues...That would be great.PS: I hope India is great

(Me) First, did you actually read the articles connected. Second, anyone is able to write stupid nonsense in a free market. One can choose not to read it though. McCain's plane does have the flag on it,, watch the whole video and you will see it on the plane. It is not on the tail.The point added with all my other blogs is that Obama is not to be trusted as our President and continues to make goofy decisions.Just as the Bible demonstrates time and again, symbolism means a lot. We create symbols for everything. Whether selling things, Golden Arches, to the book of Revelation describing things. So, to say that symbols are not important in society and our lives is in plain language ignorance.As far as the lapel pin, did you listen to the whole thing, as I think the Representative made good points. It is not about the wearing, but the refusal when asked.It is iteresting that a historian would compain about looking at symbols when history and a lot of major atrociities all had symbols tied to it, as do many major humanitarian groups on the other end, but in the end symbols say something, especially when one takes the time to redesign one for himself.

(Him) Yes I read the articles...And I'm not sure what the correct term would be, but its not free market...And lastly, every news article I've read says that congressman and women started wearing the flag lapel pins on 9/12 as a sign of support for 9/11 families and American troops...Is it a trend or something? Did they wear them after the Challenger blew up? Did they wear them after the Oklahoma City bombing? Did they wear them during Somalia? Why is this such an issue now? Obama said that he doesn’t wear it because he felt it became a substitute for his patriotism. That’s fine with me, considering I think what we are doing in the Middle East and around the world is wrong...It’s just like flying the flag on the 4th of July...Everyone does it, and then it goes back in the garage until next year...Or in this case until the next domestic disaster.PS: Ron Paul doesn't wear one ever.

(Me)So because it was not important in the past makes it alright that it is not important now? Or because it was important in the past it is important now? Maybe they learned from their mistake? Maybe they did not think of the lapel wearing until that time? None of the examples you gave were an attack against us by an outside force. How is the attack on 9/11 a domestic disaster, and not an attack on the U.S.? It is much different then the other examples you gave.That is only one side of the story as to what Obama said. Again, he is running to be the leader of the United States and what says that more to those Americans that fly their flags on July 4th, who is a very large voting constituency. Then most people should not go to church either under your philosophy. Since most do nothing the rest of the week with their as commanded by the Bible then they should just stay home.Maybe, even one day is better then no days. Focusing too much on the lapel pin is like focusing on the sapling in the forest. It is just one more thing taken together with my othe blogs.I would not vote for Ron Paul, either. I do not agree with the liberterian view point on a few issues. He is not worth writing about, because he is not even going to come close to winning, nor will he get that much press. The most he will do is pull some votes, but other then that he will be a blip on the sonar. Most college kids, majority of Ron Paul people, do not vote anyway.If Ron Paul were a factor and I disagreed with him about an issue like abortion, legalizing drugs (which I am against), the war (which I think may have had mistakes, but in the end is working out very well for Iraq and will in the end). I am against legalizing gay marriage (though I agree it should be at a state level, I have no problem with it being at the federal level, as it is a sin according to God.) I may add the lapel then.Why not an issue now? All things add up against the man.

(Him) I don't support Obama, or McCain for that matter...But I think it needs to be realized that Obama is going to be the next president whether we like it or not. I don't think that there will ever be a candidate that I can ever fully support…Unless someone invents a machine that makes people younger, allowing Ron Paul to run again. And I'll go ahead and state my opinions as well: Ron Paul is pro-life; he just feels it should be a state issue. Quote: “Isn’t killing a pregnant mother considered a double homicide?”I don't know if I have a firm opinion about legalizing drugs...But I don't feel that the Federal government has a right to tell people how to take care of themselves. The framers wouldn't stand for it. Not to mention we can't even keep drugs out of maximum security prisons…And couldn’t that money be better spent on something else?As for the war, the American people were lied too and the objective turned from finding the people who actually attacked us, to overthrowing Saddam, and invading a country that had done no harm to us. So I don't know what "working out very well for Iraq and in the end" looks like...But I'm pretty sure it will look almost just like the 38th parallel, and tons of money wasted.I'm pretty much over the lapel pin debate...I understood your points, just kinda chose not to care.Will I vote for Obama? No. Will I vote for McCain? No. Will Obama be President? Yes.I will however be voting for Ron Paul because he is the only one who wouldn't be lying when he said, "I swear to defend, protect, and uphold the Constitution of the United States." He already does that, and that’s really all we can ask for in a President.

(Me) My stating the abortion issue was not saying Ron Paul was for it, just giving my points about Obama. I do know he is pro-life. The legalizing drugs is a very interesting debate and have done it during my undergrad, and had to argue the positive side, which helped me to form my opinion even stronger. Just study "Needle Park" in Holland. When people are given free rain to choose sin without cause of hindrance they quite frequently choose sin. Is the health care system a mess, yes, but socialism nor free rain of drugs is going to help in my opinion. I personally believe that is why we have issues with a lot of things already. We do not enforce the laws today we have, and if we did then we would not have a lot of the issues. Yes, drugs are a problem in prisons, but as long as criminals are dead set on attaining something they usually can with enough resources. Same thing with guns. It is not the need for more laws, but the actual enforcement of those.The government, in using a Christian apriori guide, at least in conscience, is also designed to protect people from themselves in many ways, in the sense of sin, and we saw that in many laws that may have been rough and not necessarily right in their fashion, but were thinking they were sin in the Bible so should be in law. We have lost that as well. The war debate is a whole other monster in itself as well and were there again lies and mistakes, yes. But many of the blogs and new stories I have read from people who have been over there talking to the leaders have said that Iraqi is becoming more and more free and their finance system is gaining and they are starting to function. Why would Holiday Inn and Disney buy property otherwise? They are business people and follow where they think the money will be. Saddam was a tyrant and what he did to others was horrendous and he deserved to lose his reign. Why not in other countries then? Look how people respond when we do help and when we don't? continued

We did not go into many places we should of helped under a few Presidents. And this President has made some serious errors in many areas in my opinion as well, but I still would prefer him over Kerry or Gore anyday.If we do not stay there and make sure the transition and peace for the majority part is settled then we will have more terrorism here, which again is what I have been told by soldiers that were there and reading some intelligence (i use the term lightly here) reports. It will show we are afraid and they will take advantage of it. Why do we say we should have been in Somolia and not Iraqi when Saddam was killing in just as viscious ways and from over the years just as many people, his own people? Maybe I am wrong, just a question that comes to mind.As to my voting. I will not vote for Obama. The only way I would personally vote for McCain is if the V.P. of choice lined up and I looked to him running 4 years from now, or possibly being President if McCain died of old age, which is quite the possibility. What will I do otherwise? If between McCain w/ a liberal VP, Obama & Paul then I would vote for Paul if Keyes is not on the ticket.I commend you by voting your conscience and sticking to it. I know you are one that will vote and not just sit on the sideline and make comments and then make an excuse not to get to the polls.Will I be writing on McCain and the shortcomings there, yes. I just have been hearing about too many Emergent, liberal, and other Christians thinking about Obama. I cannot fathom why as Christians they can consider him.McCain does have a 5% lead right now. Question, as I may not remember correctly, but wasn't Reagan losing badly by polls in his first campaign? Not that McCain is Reagan, just a polling thing.

(Him) "Is the health care system a mess, yes, but socialism nor free rain of drugs is going to help in my opinion."I agree that socialism will not help the health care system...But on the issue of "the free rain of drugs" people are seriously mistaking the function of government if we think its job is to regulate bad habits. That’s my point and all I really have to say about it."If we do not stay there and make sure the transition and peace for the majority part is settled then we will have more terrorism here, which again is what I have been told by soldiers that were there and reading some intelligence (i use the term lightly here) reports."I don't know what soldiers you have been talking to and if that really is their opinion than that’s fine. But to say that there will be more terrorism here if we are not "over there" is absolutely ridiculous.
"Why not in other countries then? Look how people respond when we do help and when we don't?"Here is the reason why...I can't stand it when people say stuff like this..."Lets go invade all of the other nations in the world that are run by a brutal dictator and force them to become just like us!" Are you kidding me? The only reason needed to totally dub this statement as crazy is the constitution. We can't go to war without a declaration of war! And the President has no right to sign executive orders giving him the power to do so! With how much you read you should know that it is our being "over there" in the first place that causes the terrorism. Islam has been around for a long time and America has been a country for a long time...They didn't start blowing us up until we decided that it was cool for us to park our F-15s next to their holy sites. Read the 9/11 commission report and listen to Bin Laden’s reasons for attacking us. What would we as Americans say if China said, "Hey we are going to build military bases in California” We would be outraged. Finally, why do you think we didn't go into other places around the world under other presidents? Because those places didn't have anything to offer us, aka oil. We don't give a crap about Sudan or the rest of Africa for that matter.Very neo-con of you to think this way…

(Me) What do you mean the government does not make laws against what you call bad habits and I call sin? You do not think drug addicts would affect you and your life, your fooling yourself? Look at what gambling does to communities once it moves in. Again, did you look up Needle Park in Holland. They would intrude on our freedoms, because drug addicts steal, murder, rape, and do many other atrocities. Look at what happens with legalized drinking. I have friends die b/c of alcohol. Many atrocities in America have happened b/c people are under the influence. Every law has a moral implication to it. It is just whose morals? Why would I listen to Bin Laden's reasons for attacking him? That would be like listening to Hitler why we attacked him? Should we have left Hitler alone? Maybe as well we should have just let Pear Harbor alone as well and not retaliated? Are you against Afghanistan as well?Iraqi, for the majority is happy we are there. I have my doubts that you read the entire 9/11 report to ask me if I have read it. My guess is like every other person who complains you have taken what the "neo-liberals."Again, like most people who do not know how to debate, you take the questions as my opinion and not just for thought. And then you retaliate by calling names. Very mature debating. You should go on the road with the other liberals with your debate skills. You are on your way to becoming a great machine for them. When you move to name calling in debating you have lost. It is simplistic and lacks any form of intelligence.

I hear these cries about Sudan and all these other places. What are you doing about it? How have you tried to help? What are you doing? Again, complain, complain, but no action. Another liberal tactic. I want to complain and point the finger but not do anything but call names. How about locally? Do you help the people in our community in any fashion? Do you volunteer in any way or do anything at all? I am curious. Maybe you do. It would at least give you more substance for complaining. Yes, I did in a few ways. Free counseling, sitting on boards, working with the Youth Dept.'s and giving financially to organizations.

I have also talked to people on all sides of the isle and not just who agrees with me and what I think, and that seems to be all I hear.It seems to apply to all areas of life in people I debate like this. They complain about church, community and life but sit on the sidelines and do nothing. They like to gossip, but not take much action besides voting. That is barely anything at all, very easy. I am hoping this is not you. So, I await to see what you have done and what you are doing to help the areas you complain about become better. Or what you are doing in the community.


Anonymous said...

Yes, Isn't this funny-- how your politics are bleeding into your faith? How a thing of this world is taking over something of sure Grace. Look at Jesus. Did he not have anything to do with tax collectors? Sure, he met with them and spoke with them, but was the majority of his ministry about them? No. Tax Collectors were just like the other people. As we are. Sure, we should look into what they are doing and what their policies are doing, but to devote more time into them than Christ is wrong.
It's funny how we are more worried about McCain and Obama then the fact that people in Asia are dying because of their faith. Or that even here in the United States people are walking away from the faith everyday. You engulf yourself in something so trivial and meaningless-- What McCain and Obama are doing with their plane??!! and pins??!! Whoooo. You are taking away your time and energy from Christ. So when you ask about complaining and sitting on the sidelines and gossiping why don't you look at it from the other shoe dear chap. You are gossiping about Obama and helping in the degrading of a man. Whether you like it or not, you are.. and to make it even more crazy, Obama might just be in heavn with you when you die and you might just have to deal with him. So what would you say to your creator when you go to heaven and there standing next to you is Mr. Obama? Or even McCain for that matter. What would you say? I helped bash a man that I just didn't like because he wasn't a democrate or because he wasn't conservitive enough for me? Well you play the games in polictics and I sit on the sidelines of that game. I am going to get up walk across to the other field and play the game for Christ. What you have to ask yourself is what sidelines are you really sitting on?

Anonymous said...

Wow. Your a very "professional" debater yourself "Dr." Alan Seymour. I'm exceptionally happy that you are no longer working in America and hopefully not ever again working with youth or college students who's minds and hearts are so longing for someone to guide them. We will all greatly enjoy the upcoming election without you, reguardless of the results -- we can be thankful that you are NEVER going be a leader of our country. You manipulate your own words more than the current president does. Have you ever wondered why you so often find yourself in what you consider to be an "immature" debate? It is obvious that you are not interested in debating only in proclaiming what you think is correct and belitteling others when they challenge you on it. The problem is never the other person you are debating with, it is you. Let's pray that God shows you just how wrong you are.

Anonymous said...

Heres a response to the above

Unknown said...

I will respond to the first comment only. Our faith cannot help but impact our politics. I am currently in Asia teaching Church Planters and Missionaries, and you can read those experiences at I would be curious as to what God would say about Obama voting for the death of children myself. A book I would recommend is Legislating Morality for starters on this topic. We vote based on who we think will put the laws into place that we agree with, which is a reflection of our morals and values. The point of the tax-collector was that no one is lost to the grace of Christ, as tax-collectors in that day were seen as the bottom of the barrel to the Jewish community. Does not God allow the rulers to rule? That to me says there is an interest in politics at least to some point. Jesus told us to pay our taxes, and Paul told us to submit to leaders who are elected, and we have the opportunity to vote for the person we want to submit to, and I do not want to vote for someone that allows babies to be murdered, who do not have a choice about their lives. Soldiers have a choice, knowing when they sign up they may go to war. I believe in grace, which is when someone repents of sin, and accepts Salvation from God they are then forgiven. When someone seeks forgiveness from someone else and it is given. There is eternal grace, but there is also temporal accountability for our choices. One cannot commit murder without consequences or steal without consequences. The same with voting. I do not think we should temporarily reward the sin of abortion with the seat of Presidency.

The lapel pins and the change in the symbol are just a culmination of everything else. It is all taken as a whole, as seen in the other aspects I have written about within this blog.

Erin said...

I am commenting on the second post, the one that begins with 'wow.' I find it sad that this person chooses to, quite viciously and angrily in fact, only attack people personally. After reading the post, I find no actual substance as far as debating any actual issues. This is a debate, meaning the two parties will not agree on all points, and of course they will try to convince the other person of their side, this is the nature of a debate, perhaps you are unfamiliar? If the two sides were in agreement, there would be no debate. I think both sides, while things may have gotten slightly personal near the end, did a fine job of staying on the issues, and refraining from name-calling, which is not a debate tactic, except amongst kindergartners, perhaps. They may have attacked one another’s stances, but the mood was certainly not personal attacks in this debate.

As believers, it is vital for us to engage in these types of debates with one another, as “iron sharpens iron” (Proverbs 27:17 ). Even true believers have disagreements, and as long as it is on the nonessentials, this is okay. Also, as true believers and followers of Christ, all that we do, say, believe and stand for should be in accordance with Scripture. A presidential candidate who, one, believes that abortion is okay, and two, takes a cop out on important moral issues by saying “above my pay grade”, should throw up red flags right away for believers.

As you are obviously so emotional over this, why not discuss which points and issues within the debate bothered you? If you feel the need to, defend Obama with facts and actual discussion. I feel people need to stay focused on the issues, and these are important issues that are raised in debates like these.

Is your issue with the debate here? Or with a person? If you very much dislike someone, perhaps you should approach that person personally, rather than using the public platform of what should be an intelligent debate forum to name call, which again is not a debate tactic.

Politics and religion are both heated types of debates, and that is why it is so important to try and refrain from personal attacks, as this hinders us from actually getting anywhere on the issues.

Megan said...

I find it sad that first of all, there are some who cannot refrain from using immature tactics to express themselves. In order to avoid an exact replica of what Erin said, I won't go into the fact that this was supposed to be a debate, not a personal attack.

Also, it is even more sad that whoever felt the need to leave such rude and off-topic comments did not even have the courage to say who they were. Perhaps you are trying to protect your integrity--Alan Seymour has so much integrity he posts his thoughts & opinions and converses with people in order to teach them, without hiding his true identity. Alan Seymour is a man of God, trying to teach and help others and constantly seeking the Lord's guidance. Alan Seymour is a man that I would readily stand behind if anyone were to question his character or otherwise. And, as I am sure you will see, there are many more men & women who would stand behind him; men & women who are leaders of the church, respected members of the community.

I am willing to say that I appreciate Alan's blog and what I learn from it. I appreciated his time as our campus minister. I appreciate his sincere & true friendship in Christ. But most importantly, I appreciate Alan's witness & his constant diligence in seeking the Lord & doing God's will.

The Bible says that if you rebuke a wise man, he will love you, but a mocker will hate correction. (Proverbs 9:8) Is it that Alan is such a "manipulator" or that perhaps the correction of errors is unsettling in hearts? We need to be wise & accept that perhaps at times our hearts have been misguided.

Thank you Alan.

--Megan Bair---

Jesse said...

In my opinion, you are wasting your incredible talent for political analysis and powerful ability to set to the political agenda of those around you. This is the same mistake that the GOP has been doing in the election. There are several negative publicity efforts in play right now, as I am sure you know. The elitist name-calling, used by both sides is the most effective and neglected one used against Obama right now. McCain's age, health and tech savy have been used to effectively paint him as a doddering old fool. The most neglected and legitimate route however is to examine the policies of the candidates. Obama has maneuvered away from this by avoiding the debates, and the press has been happy to ignore it as well, instead choosing the Inside Edtion style or reporting (McCain's shoes make him an elitist) The path, examined below, that you are pursuing holds the least water and draws citizens away from a logical debate of policy and focuses on the past that they will ignore at all costs.

The unpatriotic portrait uses visual evidence (lapel pins, hand during the pledge, the plane) to paint Obama as un-American. Along with xenophobic-based fear tactics, this has accounted for the majority of the GOP's strategy. This is a mistake. While citizens should be patriotic (and not in a superficial way), they are not now. After September 11, patriotism took a heavy hold on the American conciousness. The press boosted this through coverage of the events surrounding the attacks and abandoned its watchdog role while an administration manipulated a fearful and angry public into support of two invasions. Whether or not these invasions were correct,(I believe one of them was) the fact remains that people were manipulated. This began to sink in around the 2004 election and a Democratic congress made in uncool and naive to be patriotic. That stigma continues to this day. Patriotic Americans are assumed to be stupid, fascist war-mongerers. The general public is tired of wars they do not understand and the fears, however justifiable, that have too long impacted their otherwise cushy lives.

This is why the strategy of painting Obama as un-patriotic will not hold. People are tired of a patriotism that is too often hogged by the GOP and ignored by a undiscerning Democratic Party.

While your analysis of Obama's cult of personality is undeniable, the conclusions you draw (replacing the flag) however humorous and the way you structured your blog convey points that end with the election and ignore what will happen afterward. I doubt very much that Obama is as authoritarian in his goals as you suggest. More than anything, I believe that it is motivated by PR and advertising strategies. (Have you seen McCain's symbol- for a guy who is criticized as militaristic and uninspiring, a silver star on black doesn't help)

The matter or importance however is what you don with your influence. I believe you have pursued a path that while valid in some respects, is neither true nor effective. I agree with some of your points but feel that you could use your aptitude for analysis to focus on more important issues at play in the campaign.

If you have seen current polls, you know how close the race is right now. To me this is incredible considering the increadible advantages that the Obama campaign has had as well as the shoody excuse for a campaign that promotes McCain. If you truly support McCain and want to keep Obama out of the White House, it will take serious focus on the important issues. I have listed a few.

1. The ability of the Obama campaign to purport its message of change and hope without specific policy items or a plan of action.

2. The record of the candidates in both lower and upper levels of government.

3. Personal beliefs.

4. Experience. - It failed in the primaries but is extremely valid and could be used effectively.

Hope this was insightful and helpful and that you utilize your talent more effectively.

Unknown said...


Please read my personal beliefs about Obama in my other blogs. The abortion issue alone in my opinion negates him for President and all the other, as I stated paints a picture. Why not use PR to make you into an authoritarian person? Seems to me that is how Putin got into office and now they cannot get rid of him, maybe I am wrong. You are more up on this then me. Through out history authoritarians always use PR to attain position, and once there they manipulate and gain authority. How else do murderous dictators first get into office? Especially if their party is the minority during the time (Hitler)? Whether or not this is Obama, who knows. He is painting a picture that should not be ignored. Yes, look at all the areas you are talking about, but do not throw the others out because the "public" does not like it. Since when should we take the publics opinion on our beliefs as Christians? Yes, I believe our faith should completely envelope our political stance, as Christ is with us in all those circumstances. As a believer, abortion alone, and late-term abortion at that, should disqualify Obama.

I will see about McCain once he locks in the VP. There is a movement by and some other conservatives for a "no-vote" on the election day to demonstrate displeasure with both candidates.

Thanks for your comments. They were well written, and probably better then my comment back. You will have to excuse errors as my time is short and I have to post another comment by my mother yet.

You have a great mind and I always value your opinion and thoughts.

Unknown said...

The post below is actually written by Sally, who I am proud to say is my mother. Be careful if you respond to her, as I will not post distasteful messages about her comments like I allow posted about myself.

Sally says, "I would also like to point out that history does repeat itself. The world thought that introducing the swastika in Germany by Hitler meant nothing also. Some even likened it to the christian cross. We all know how that turned out! As christians we do have to look at the whole picture, including the symbols that a person who is representing this country is waving. Obviously it is not the American flag which is a symbol of all the effort put into becoming the United States of America. Many people were wearing flag pins and flying flags before 9/11. However more people became patriotic after 9/11 and realized the way to show our unity was flying or wearing the American flag. That is why we should even be more concerned about the lack of the flag as a symbol, because we all did rally after 9/11 and it has gone down hill since culminating in the lack of concern over a symbol carried by many into battle to show how proud the soldier is of his country.

Ask the families of men who have given their lives for their country what the symbol of the flag means to them. There are many fighting soldiers asking to return to Iraq because they were there and know how important Americans have become to the majority of civilians in Irag. Personally I have many soldiers renting apartments from me who have expressed that if we do not fight the battle over seas we will be battling the terroists in our own country. They will come to us because of their hatred of Americans and they want a one world government and religion.

I for one will still feel the flag should be in and on our government officials. Once we let prayer stop in schools the schools have become more operational under the students than the teachers. If we take out our patriotism, what will happen to humanity?"

Jeremie Bair said...

While I completely understand and respect Jesse's comment. The first comment by Anon.("Yes, Isn't") I only simply and certainly dissagree with. The second comment by Anon.("Wow. Your") is not respectable, respectful and unproductive.

To: Anon."Yes, Isn't": If our christian beliefs do not coincide with all aspects of our lives then we are deviating from what the word of God has recorded for us. Deuteronomy chapter six is a great example of how nothing that we are involved in should be dissimilated from God's intentions. The question is then: Should Christians be involved in politics at all? I think my understanding is clear: That if one is a Christian, one should be policically inclined and one shall due so with a Christian worldview; or else choose to not follow one's own Christian beliefs.

To: Anon.("Wow. Your"): Your reply may have been productive if you had not resorted to insults. The emotionally charged abuse that you wrote reveals that you disagreed with Dr. Seymour's side of the "Facebook Debate" as it is titled. Although instead of actually disagreeing with the content, you resorted to attempting to revile the person. In fact you did it without rationality; therefore, your comment of disagreement turned out unproductive. I challenge you to return reply with content of a rational disagreement which should be expected. The original anonymous debator intended to strongly disagree and not to insult.

Finally, I would like to say that Dr. Seymour's contributions of time, energy, planning, organizing, councelling and teaching were evident and appriciated by not only me but by a great many in our church, Graystone Presbyterian, and community(those involved not in our local church) during the approximate two years of his ministry in Indiana, Pa.

I've disagreed with Dr. Seymour many times and a few of those times he admitted he was wrong, but him being the elder, more devoted to education and of greater integrity; many more times I had to admitted that I was wrong.

Dan Drummond said...

Meg and Jeremie, why don't you guys let Alan take care of himself...You both just posted comments that said exactly what Erin and Alan said. If you both would really like to debate actual issues (as Jessie is trying to do...many props to you my friend)then I say lets go. I would first recommend that you both read the entire "facebook debate" on Alan's notes page, as the last comments were posted after he posted it on his blog. Then after then do some research on your own, form Your Own opinions, and then we can have a conversation...You guys only got involved after someone wrote something nasty towards Alan, and like I said before he can take care of himself, although I'm sure he appreciates your remarks. So if you guys want to have it out on actual issues, than I'd be really interested to see what you think about things, epically foreign policy.

-The proud anti-war, pro-constitution, lapel pin wearing
Daniel Freaking Drummond

"Don't steal, the Government Hates Competition."

Erin said...

This is in reply to Dan Drummond. Dan, I must say that if you would also go back and not only read the facebook debate, but also the posts following this debate, you would see that in fact Meg and Jeremie did not copy what I said. I spoke strictly of the need to refrain from personal attacks, and why as Christians we must stick to Scripture in all of our beliefs. Also, if you would specifically reread Jeremie’s comment, I do believe he addressed the first anonymous person on the issue of mixing religion and politics, and so he did address issues within his post.

Secondly, your post does not paint a very nice picture of your own opinions of Alan, nor of your taking your own advice, if you would go back and reflect. Here is why. The very off-topic, lacking in any ability to debate issues, vicious attack posted by Anonymous #2 has been posted for a week. However, you felt no need to address this person as you did Meg and Jeremie. Why, I wonder, was it okay for this person to so totally veer from any issues whatsoever, not even touch on the actual facebook debate, and angrily attack one of the debaters involved? If you, indeed, feel so deeply that people posting should include the issues and their stance, why within the last entire week, have you not addressed this anonymous person, but only felt the need to address Meg and Jeremie? I can only assume, because of the lack of consistency here, that you are okay with name-calling and are in support of the tactic used by this anonymous person.

Also, do you not agree, that it is of actual importance that other people can attest to your character and integrity? I do believe this is what gives credence to politicians, in the opinions of voters. Isn’t this what drives the debates and issues you are passionate about? It has to do with the character, the integrity, of the candidates. The very issues discussed in the debate above have to do with actions and words that either support or question the integrity and character of the candidates. Scripture also talks about the need for mortal man to have witnesses that attest to their character. The only person who did not require this was Christ, but even He pointed out that He had credible witnesses, even though in actuality, He did not require it. And so, I do believe it is quite critical when discussing any issues, that the integrity of those involved in debate are solidified, or otherwise the debate itself holds no water.

And so, yes, Alan surely can take care of himself, but the reason why he did not reply to Anonymous #2 was integrity driven. I thank, very much, Meg and Jeremie for their posts, thank you Meg and Jeremie. I think it is so important for people like Anonymous #2 to be called out. I hope, Dan, that you agree, and am truly sorry to see that you did not address this person yourself, but only felt the need to attack people who had something nice to say about Alan (my husband, for those of you who do not know).

I do give credit to all of those who have posted, including Dan, for having the integrity to post their names to what they have said, good, bad, or otherwise.

Erin Seymour

“No well-informed person ever imputed inconsistency to another for changing his mind.”

Jeremie Bair said...


I did read the facebook note before commenting. I wrote a very long and exhaustive reply even before Meg submitted her's, but due to an error with my computer's security and Blogger, my post unknowingly did not get sent and was completely lost. This gave me more time to think about all three topics (your original debate, anon poster #1 and poster #2). The next day I wrote the much shorter and unfortunately non-exhaustive version of my reply due to frustration with the loss of the original.

The main purpose of my reply was to address the first two blog replies. As I am in fact generally uneducated in the micro political races. This blog entry has somewhat sparked my interest in the political happenings of late.

The truth is though, even if I disagreed with most of what you were arguing, I felt that the content that had already sort of come to an unofficial end had taken care of itself. Not that there was a conclusion, but it was done with.

I definately don't think Alan needs defending. Actually I myself have constantly, one after the other been skeptical of Alan's opinions and sometimes his feelings. What I came to find out was that after studying the topics for myself I usually ended up agreeing with him. One of the first blog entries I replied to was in disagreement with his stance on a subject. That was shortly after I first met him. I think it is definately a good thing to question and challenge people on issues and simple topics. We can only learn more on both sides of the fence.

I hope what I wrote there makes sense to you. Especially regarding the reason why I originally posted a comment. I meant no disrespect to you. Yes we did get involved only after the replies. Note that we made no statements about your original debate. There's no need to be defensive with us or to criticize our posts unless you indeed disagree with what was written.

Dan Drummond said...

Jeremie, thanks for your reply. I think we are both on the same page now. Little things just needed sorted out and I think you took care of that very well in the post above...As far as I am conserned, we're cool, and I apoligize if my post toward you felt harsh.

Erin, you're above comment to me is the most you have ever said to me in your life. I think now I have conversed with both you and Alan more via the internet than in person. (There is no real point to me saying this...I just think it funny)
As for your post itself I fully comprehend your statements and therefore, take it upon myself to gavel this comment session to a close.


Unknown said...

Hello All. . . I feel like I should start a message board about all this. Thought the last post could have been discussed at Ransomed, since you were all together, but I posted assuming there was no discussion.

I am glad though that Dan & Jeremie seem to be coming to a conclusion to their comments. I am very happy there seems to somewhat a resolution.

Do you agree with Erin's comments? To comprehend is not to agree. You did not answer whether or not you agreed with the comment made about me in regards to the attack the second "anonymous" made. I do not expect you do respond since you gaveled this to a close, but just for thought.

You mentioned to my wife this is the most we have talked. Maybe between you and my wife, but I do not agree with us. Maybe not as deep or engaged as this blog.

I can remember my wife coming home several times and making the comment she said she tried to say hello to you and you said nothing back. Yes, you were looking right at her. Have you ever tried to talk to Erin?

Agian, you show your inconsistency right in my blog. You mention we never talked to you, but you were with Jeremie and Meg and could have talked to them. One can guess that it did not happen since you waited to post it on my blog.

It seems like you say comments that are to finish a discussion and then take one last shot prior to closing. I know you have a dry personality and in someways I do get your writing and try not to read into it, but one cannot help but think your comments have a backhanded insult in them.

If you felt that way, why didn't you say something over the two years we were there? Then when you do say something you do it on a public blog in response to my wife's comments that had nothing to do with what you said. You completely dodged all her questions and instead make a comment that she took offensively, especially after several interactions she tried to have with you.

That is something you should have emailed to her in private if you were in some way offended. You say it was funny, but one can tell that you were not trying to be funny.

Lastly, you said that no one posts in regards to the issues, yet Erin posed at least five questions and not one was answered. I would like to know if you agree or not with this comment made,"I'm exceptionally happy that you are no longer working in America and hopefully not ever again working with youth or college students who's minds and hearts are so longing for someone to guide them.," as you made it known how you felt about people who support me.

I have not made any comments about this person, except to let it be known that everyone knows who it is. Maybe you are afraid that you will be defriended on facebook as well if you conclude the statement to be what it is. Hateful and spiteful.

The debate was never meant for all of this, but since it is out then at least answer that one question. Was her statements right or wrong in the context they are being made? Again, you mentioned your thoughts on positive comments. Now I ask, and sincerely ask, that you make your opinion known for everyone that has been following this newly deveoloped drama that has drained time and energy from all involved.