Monday, August 18, 2008

Unites States of 'O'

Please read these three links prior to my blog, as it will help with understanding and give credibility to my thoughts, at least a little.

If you have not seen this report yet, I would not be surprised, as most media outlets are not paying much attention. Some will say, big deal, they guy takes the flag off the plane and puts “his” own symbol on the plane that he uses to run for President of the United States. To me this is much bigger then him throwing a hissy fit because people wanted him to where a flag lapel pin, which still says a lot about him. He is making the Presidency about him and not the country. It is becoming a self-propagating system, and not about what is best for the country.

The man is saying that he loves himself and what we should stand for as a nation should be him. Now that is change! By taking the flag off the plane and making his own personal symbol with the exact same colors of the flag demonstrates arrogance in his personality and someone that loves to promote himself above anything else. Is he going to change the flags to his ‘O’ symbol around his offices in the White House, were he to win? Then we will be a double ‘O’ nation, Oprah and Obama. Fitting!

Symbols are an important part of our society, no matter whether you are liberal or conservative. Christians, Muslims, Jews and Hindus all have symbols that surround the worship and religious beliefs. Republicans have the elephant and Democrats have the donkey. We use symbols in everyday life all over the world. The flag is the symbol of our country and says who we are as a nation. It is not to be an idol, but it can serve as symbolic of our principles and beliefs. I start to wonder what his true motives to becoming President are. Why does he really want to be President? To serve or to be served? His new symbol promoting himself says a lot to me and just adds to the many reasons why this man should not be our President.

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