If you walked into a Neurosurgeon’s office and on the wall you saw that her degree was a Master’s in Computer Science, what would you do? But what if they told you they did a lot of reading on medical stuff about the brain and they have gained a lot of knowledge and stayed at a Motel 6 last night as well. Would that make it better? Probably not, right? You would be out of there in no time flat, because they have not been trained properly for what they are doing.
What if you walk into a church and the Senior Pastor has an education degree, or a political science degree, but no Biblical training whatsoever? What would you do then? They tell you they also read a lot and study hard, and maybe even they have stayed at a Motel 6. What would you do? Would you stay if the sermons were entertaining and sounded great? Why would you run from the Neurosurgeon who holds temporary life in your hand and not the other who holds eternal truths in his hands? One just messes with your brain, while the other messes with your eternal soul and what is taught from Scripture.
Sometimes I wonder how seriously we take the men who are preaching from the pulpit and what they have been taught. What are their credentials for being able to stand up there and teach the church as a whole the Word of God? How many of you have asked your pastors what they believe about the Bible, and whether or not it is inerrant? How many have asked their Christian leaders to defend the faith they propagate? I am even talking about youth leaders training up a new generation. This should not be a training ground for pastors, as the youth can be molded much easier and slid into heresy much quicker by their leader than many adults.
Lately, I have been talking with many students, both college and high school, and it is amazing to me what they say about their youth groups as a whole in our churches. There are kids who do not understand the resurrection, yet claim to be Christians. How is that possible when that is part of salvation; that He died and resurrected for us to be saved? They tell me when they ask the tough questions they do not get answers, but redirection, why? They are told to just live it out and be an example, but how can they do that if they do not believe it, nor have faith that it is true because their questions go unanswered and ignored by leadership.
My charge to you teenagers and college students is challenge your leaders with the tough questions about the resurrection, the validity of Scripture, atonement, and Jesus Christ and all that it pertains to and if they cannot give you answers then find a church that can. I can suggest one if you want, just contact me, but if all you are being taught is “fluff” and playing games then run, and run fast and find a Biblical solid church. Don’t sell your faith short, nor let anyone make you believe your questions don’t have answers, because Christianity is an intellectual faith and there are answers.
Please if your pastors, youth pastors, elders, or leaders cannot, do not, or will not give you answers regarding the questions above then move to a church that will give you those answers, as they are out there. It is our responsibility to ask the tough questions and make sure that our leaders are accountable and that they are qualified to be teaching what they are teaching.

Just a Note for Lay Leaders: Make sure you are under the leadership of some type of church and person above, as they will help you as you teach Bible Studies and Sunday Schools, but you are also responsible for what you teach, so make sure you are preparing to the best of your ability.
Here are some areas to make sure your leaders (not lay leaders necessarily) can answer:
1. The resurrection
2. The substitutionary atonement
3. Jesus Christ’s death
4. The role of the church and its importance within the body
5. The role of discipline
6. Be able to give the reason why they believe in Jesus Christ themselves
7. What is faith and how it fits within our walk with Christ
8. Their belief about Scripture, whether or not it is inerrant
If they cannot answer these questions or answer them in a fashion that does not line up with Scripture then you need to find another church home. To stay is to sit under sin and is wrong.
Zechariah 7:11-12, “But they refused to heed, shrugged their shoulders, and stopped their ears so that they could not hear. Yes, they made their hearts like flint, refusing to hear the law and the words which the Lord of hosts had sent by His Spirit through the former prophets. Thus great wrath came from the Lord of hosts.”
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