This election has caused a major rift in our country and it is very apparent just by reading blogs and notes on different forums. It is a sad state of affairs to be in today, and really no reason for it, though I hold by my sentiments that the life issue should have been the deciding factor for the Christian vote. Not Republican, Democrat or Independent. I am starting to think Ron Paul may have been the better candidate, though I think Alan Keyes or Huckabee for me were preferable.
As believers we should be striving for a Christian nation. There is no reason why not. Not for a Church run nation, but a Christian nation. A Christian nation is run by strong Bible believing Christians from many denominations in the Christian arena. I know, that shocks many of you, that I would say that, being as conservative as I am, but it is true nonetheless.
I have worked with many strong believers in the past few years from many different denominations who love the Lord and believe the Bible to be inerrant in what it teaches and infallible. They worship in different ways then I do and enjoy different parts of the service then I do and that is what makes the body of Christ so amazing and enjoyable and that is what our government should look like as well. The different parts of the body functioning as they should in the world.
How amazing would that be? A body of believers from all denominations that value life and the world, governing the United States. Sure they are still sinners, as we all are and would make mistakes, but the core would be there. The core of the original documents would be there again. Belief in God, a true belief in God, and none of this false marketing for the vote that happens every four years. A fear that we will one day stand before our maker in judgment for our actions and the laws we enact on our people.
This can happen, but it takes Christians voting through the truths of Scripture and not because they are a donkey, elephant and whatever the independent animal is. We have to vote based on the absolute truth of Scripture. One is easy and that is life. We have to make priorities. Yes it is hard to go against our parties. Yes, I have done it. At this moment in time I do not trust either party, and think they are both corrupt and self-seeking, and self-serving. Like I keep saying, though many do not listen, the only reason I could vote for McCain is because of his pro-life stance. In the news today I read that one of the first things Obama plans on doing is: “Presidents long have used executive orders to impose policy and set priorities. One of Bush's first acts was to reinstate full abortion restrictions on U.S. overseas aid. The restrictions were first ordered by President Reagan and the first President Bush followed suit. President Clinton lifted them soon after he occupied the Oval Office and it wouldn't be surprising if Obama did the same.”
3,000 babies will die today as I write this, and that saddens me deep down and it should all of us. More babies will die this month then will even come close to dying in the Iraq war. I know first hand this makes many Democrats, Republicans and Independents sick. We together need to move forward to end this and many other issues like this one that surround our society. If we were a Christian nation again then the church would be able to function again in its proper role within its neighborhood; helping the poor, the down trodden and the widows more fully instead of the government.
My question is why are a lot of us more worried about voting a party line then voting our Christian values? All laws are moral in essence, and it just ends up whose morals we are going to impose and I think Christ’s morals are the best. Let’s starting voting accordingly!
Obama is now our President whether we like it or not and we need to be praying for him, our country and this world, as he is walking not only into many national issues, but many global issues. Actually, many of the national issues affect the global community. Everyone will disagree at some point with a decision he makes, but he is now our leader and we need to submit unless he goes against what Scripture commands, as this is what the Bible Commands us.
Acts 5:28-32, “saying, “Did we not strictly command you not to teach in this name? And look, you have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine, and intend to bring this Man’s blood on us!” But Peter and the other apostles answered and said: “We ought to obey God rather than men. The God of our fathers raised up Jesus whom you murdered by hanging on a tree. Him God has exalted to His right hand to be Prince and Savior, to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins. And we are His witnesses to these things, and so also is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey Him.”
As believers we should be striving for a Christian nation. There is no reason why not. Not for a Church run nation, but a Christian nation. A Christian nation is run by strong Bible believing Christians from many denominations in the Christian arena. I know, that shocks many of you, that I would say that, being as conservative as I am, but it is true nonetheless.
I have worked with many strong believers in the past few years from many different denominations who love the Lord and believe the Bible to be inerrant in what it teaches and infallible. They worship in different ways then I do and enjoy different parts of the service then I do and that is what makes the body of Christ so amazing and enjoyable and that is what our government should look like as well. The different parts of the body functioning as they should in the world.
How amazing would that be? A body of believers from all denominations that value life and the world, governing the United States. Sure they are still sinners, as we all are and would make mistakes, but the core would be there. The core of the original documents would be there again. Belief in God, a true belief in God, and none of this false marketing for the vote that happens every four years. A fear that we will one day stand before our maker in judgment for our actions and the laws we enact on our people.
This can happen, but it takes Christians voting through the truths of Scripture and not because they are a donkey, elephant and whatever the independent animal is. We have to vote based on the absolute truth of Scripture. One is easy and that is life. We have to make priorities. Yes it is hard to go against our parties. Yes, I have done it. At this moment in time I do not trust either party, and think they are both corrupt and self-seeking, and self-serving. Like I keep saying, though many do not listen, the only reason I could vote for McCain is because of his pro-life stance. In the news today I read that one of the first things Obama plans on doing is: “Presidents long have used executive orders to impose policy and set priorities. One of Bush's first acts was to reinstate full abortion restrictions on U.S. overseas aid. The restrictions were first ordered by President Reagan and the first President Bush followed suit. President Clinton lifted them soon after he occupied the Oval Office and it wouldn't be surprising if Obama did the same.”
3,000 babies will die today as I write this, and that saddens me deep down and it should all of us. More babies will die this month then will even come close to dying in the Iraq war. I know first hand this makes many Democrats, Republicans and Independents sick. We together need to move forward to end this and many other issues like this one that surround our society. If we were a Christian nation again then the church would be able to function again in its proper role within its neighborhood; helping the poor, the down trodden and the widows more fully instead of the government.
My question is why are a lot of us more worried about voting a party line then voting our Christian values? All laws are moral in essence, and it just ends up whose morals we are going to impose and I think Christ’s morals are the best. Let’s starting voting accordingly!
Obama is now our President whether we like it or not and we need to be praying for him, our country and this world, as he is walking not only into many national issues, but many global issues. Actually, many of the national issues affect the global community. Everyone will disagree at some point with a decision he makes, but he is now our leader and we need to submit unless he goes against what Scripture commands, as this is what the Bible Commands us.
Acts 5:28-32, “saying, “Did we not strictly command you not to teach in this name? And look, you have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine, and intend to bring this Man’s blood on us!” But Peter and the other apostles answered and said: “We ought to obey God rather than men. The God of our fathers raised up Jesus whom you murdered by hanging on a tree. Him God has exalted to His right hand to be Prince and Savior, to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins. And we are His witnesses to these things, and so also is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey Him.”
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