Tuesday, June 26, 2007
The Classroom And Lunch. . .Here I am Send Me!
Friday, June 22, 2007
Catching the Fire
1 Corinthians 5:11, "But now I am writing you that you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or a slanderer, a drunkard or a swindler. With such a man do not even eat."
Galatians 5:19-21, "19The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God."
What do these verses mean to you when you read them? Look them up and read them in context to make sure, but in the end we have to deal with them as believers, especially as Christians.
Being in India and teaching Apologetics again has caused me to catch a fire that I have not had in a while, or at least it has not burned as hot as I would have liked. Not only have I been able to teach the Word of God and how to defend it, but I have been impacted by the believers here and my own teaching in how we are to handle sin in the lives of believers.
When we read the verses above, it seems to me we have missed the mark in American churches. We do not really hold each other accountable anymore, because it would be offensive or a friendship might be lost because of it. We make excuses to keep “Christians” around who are acting out as in the verses above. Why? Why not do what the Word of God tells us and rid ourselves of them and hopefully this will bring them to repentance and restoration? Why do we rationalize sins in our brothers and sisters lives? Is it because we are guilty of the same things? Is it because we are afraid of confrontation? Is it because we are people pleasers instead of God pleasers? To keep membership up? To keep their tithe? To make other members happy? Why?
The Word tells us plainly not to put up with certain sins within the church, and yet go into just about any church and I bet you will find these very people there. And we wonder why we are having so many problems with doctrine in the church today. I say this: That I will be striving to maintain a much better Biblical standard over any ministry under my control from this point onward. I would much rather offend and make man mad at me then stand before God and give an account why I allowed people who call themselves Christians to continue within the body of believers when they were so apparent in their sinful behavior. What would you say? Well God, you see we needed the money. It would have caused too much division and so-and-so would have been upset as well, and they have a lot of power. Well God, I did not want to ruffle feathers and it did not seem to be hurting anyone; I mean no one else knew, well except You.
Where are you? Are you struggling with any decisions? The only question you have to ask yourself is this: If I stand before God today would I be able to say that I fought the good fight and finished the race as Paul did.
2 Timothy 4:7-8, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.
Preach it John Piper!!
All I can say is thank God for people like Piper that make a stand and say it out loud. Not afraid to stand up for truth.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Monkeying Around
Continue to pray for energy and that God will continue to use us in His way and in His will. We love you all and look forward to seeing everyone in a couple of weeks.
Daddy's Little Girls
Thanks Meg for taking the time to do all that for me. It is greatly appreciated.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
India Traffic Video
We have been promising it for days now and we finally have it up. This is some Saturday afternoon traffic on our way back into Bangalore. This is Electronic City, which is a suburb of Bangalore.
This should help you appreciate American traffic patterns and should hopefully help you with a little more patience the next time you are stuck in a traffic jam.
Jeremie gave his testimony today at chapel and he will be speaking on Thursday for chapel. He is now the feature speaker at a youth event we are having here on Saturday evening. We are hoping to have around 100 children and young adults. There is also a Sunday night service that we are going to be part of through the next couple of weeks. As the time progresses we are getting busier and busier. Keep us in your prayers for strength and stamina. Because our main source of food is mainly rice, our bodies are not as energized, and thus creates fatigue much quicker.
We fell very honored to be part of the Lord's work here and are thankful for your support.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Khandili -- Jeremie
Saturday, June 16, we visited a new medical clinic in Kahndali, India. After seeing the facility, Uncle Jay had a meeting at the clinic. Stanley, an elderly Indian Christian who accompanied us to the clinic, introduced us to the pastor, Thangaraj, who has been serving in Kahndali. Anil then drove us out into the villages of Kahndali.
Within the villages there is an elaborate Hindu Temple. The Hindus of the area (I do not know the details of their beliefs) consider snakes to be the highest form of life and worship them. They will pile up a mound of soil and then sort of hollow out holes for snakes to live in. I kept my eyes pealed for a cobra, I would have liked a picture of one, but the midday sun was far too hot to be seeing anything cold blooded about.
As we drove through the villages I would roll the window down for pictures. Children and their mothers would come up to the car and stare blankly at us. I smiled back and motioned for them to smile and held up my camera. The people know English, but they just seemed so confused with my interest in them. I took some pictures and then I reached out my hand to shake the hands of the children. As soon as my hand touched theirs they started laughing and pushing each other out of the way to shake my hand. All of a sudden they were smiling and laughing. I showed them the result of my pictures through the viewfinder. It was after all this that I realized the works that pastor Thangaraj is doing. He visits, preaching and teaching, at least one village everyday, on bicycle with his wife on the back. The amount of Christians in each village is at least 25 or more. Imagine yourself in heaven finding out that some of those Indian children I took pictures of lived and died a life devoted to the Hindu beliefs, bound to the fires of Hell. Thank God for his grace and mercy. Also for men like Thangaraj who serve the Lord and share the Word of Truth with people of villages like those who live in Kahndali.
Alan and I were sort of in awe of the quality of life for these people. We spent most of our time while walking and driving just listening to the stories and explanations of the life and beliefs within the villages. Alan pointed out that there was never a span of time that we were not within sight of another person, and there we were in what you would consider rural India. In some places where you would expect to see only wilderness, there would be a few Indians sparsely scattered, walking through paths in the foliage. The girth of the Indian population truly is present as we traversed the highways.
We have videos of the traffic to be posted on this blog in the future.
Alan also posted a blog right before this one, so if you want you can read it as well.
Khandhili Trip
Friday, June 15, 2007
Friday Pics -- We are still here.

Thursday, June 14, 2007
A Little Tour

A Great Review of Velvet Elvis!
http://www.liberty.edu/academics/arts-sciences/biology-chemistry/index.cfm?PID=6627 (This is his biography).
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Some Interesting Shots
Time For Zeek
Here Zeek is playing a little hacky-sac by himself. Jeremy got angry because Zeek kept beating him. Jeremy stormed off saying something about cheating and using his hands too much, but you can see here that is clearly not happening, though the smirk makes me think there may have been some cheating going on.