The Big Bang theory, which many Christians seem to think is bad or does not help the Christian cause, are very mistaken. It is only that many don’t understand it. Now it does not prove a Christian God, but it does prove there is a cause that is outside of time, space and material. Later, we can demonstrate the fact of a Christian God, but the Big Bang does demonstrate a creator.
The Big Bang is described very well by Dr. Meyer as an effect of a cause and not a cause itself. We make the mistake of thinking it is the cause and not many scientists think of it that way. Stephen Hawking realized and said there has to be a cause outside of this material universe. Einstien used a “fudge factor” to manipulate his experiments, because he found the universe being created by God repugnant. Hoyle even prior to his death admitted there had to be a creator outside of space, time and material.
If you test the Cosmology theories, the Big Bang comes out on top. We see this from the background radiation echo, the way the universe is expanding, and many other examples. We know now that this universe started at some point and that time itself started at a beginning point. What a lot of scientists will not admit is that it was started by a First Cause (God for general terms), because that idea is also “repugnant” to them in some form or another.
Don’t be afraid of the Big Bang because it is just an effect of the First Cause (God). Then the challenge is to help people see that the Christian God is the real God over all the others out there.
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