Sunday, March 20, 2011

Ignorance is Bliss!

“Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness” (Hebrews 5:13).

Have you ever sat through a sermon series, Sunday school series, or a class on the Bible and felt completely out of place, bored, or thought the material had no real use for you in your Christian walk? I know I have at times, and I know pastors who will say there are times they struggle with giving sermons from certain books in the Bible. Does this give us an excuse to disengage or ignore those parts of Scripture because we feel “stupid” or bored or not interested?

There seems to be a trend today within the church where ignorance seems to be bliss. What I mean is that some people would rather remain comfortable in just knowing the basics instead of growing deeper in their faith. We become comfortable in certain areas of our walk and where we are and don’t like it when we start to feel uncomfortable.

I am not talking about being uncomfortable over sin or conviction, because most say that is expected and part of the Christian faith. I am talking about being uncomfortable because you do not know something, or do not want to now something being taught about Scripture. I am thankful there are pastors out there that preach the entire Bible, even when they want to skip over a book because it may make the congregation feel dumb, sleepy, or ignorant, because they know it is not just about us, but about the entire Word of God being taught.

I am thankful for those times that I was stretched for my faith as it pertains to feeling inadequate at times, because it made me dig deeper into the truths of God and draw closer to Him. I was told by a professor/mentor of mine when this was brought up that you can always find a blessing at a church service, even if it is just a song, the verses read from the Bible, or being able to commune with brothers and sisters in Christ. Too many today don’t like the Series being taught so they quit coming, go to another church, or come sporadically so they don’t have to be part. Why? If you are going for God, then you will find a blessing, and if not then maybe it is to learn something, and maybe just that it is not all about you and me. Because when we start to think this way, it becomes about us and not about God.

The one I don’t get is those that get upset because they have to think or learn something deeper in church, and instead just want a nice little watered down message with some stories and comedy thrown in. Basically entertainment. Church is not meant for you and me being entertained. It is about coming together to worship our creator together as the body of Christ. We should expect to be stretched and to learn. If this is not happening, then maybe one should reconsider where they attend. We should be learning about all of Scripture, Old & New Testament, and not just hanging out in the books that are popular, or considered easier.

How else do we disciple and feed those new Believers who are brought into the fold and ask questions, if not through study and learning the deeper truths?

“But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil” (Hebrews 15:14)

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