Saturday, December 08, 2007

Where are the Fathers?

While I was at the apologetics conference a few weeks ago Josh McDowell spoke, and his talk was very impacting to those listening. It confirmed for me some things that I have been thinking about and debating in my head for some time. The gist of what Josh McDowell was getting at was that without love mixed with apologetics there is trouble. Without the love of Christ, apologetics just becomes another arsenal in your debating closet.

But he made another statement within the context of this speech and he mentioned the lack of involvement in fathers today, and how they are contributing to the areas that people struggle with in our society. Think about it. Who does not want to hear that their father is proud of them and loves them no matter what they do? Who does not want their father’s attention and their unconditional love? Today in a lot of family lives this is just not the case. Fathers are not there with their children and are not giving their families the time that they need. There is a whole missing in the family structure.

Today fathers make all kinds of excuses for not spending time with their children. I am too busy working. We just do not have the same interests. Many fathers are just plain not around, or do not want to be involved. Of course there are the alcoholic, drug addict, and the abusive fathers, but in a lot of ways there is not much difference from the father who does not give the proper time to their children.

This past Friday my wife talked about homosexuality and the issues that surround this issue. Even here we can see the impact of fathers. It has been proven that a lack of fatherly time with their children can lead them to this life style if they are not confirmed in their manhood or womanhood. Many in the gay community who have come out have said that their fathers never gave them the time they needed for many different reasons. Again, you can be a wealthy, non-drinking, non-smoking, non-abusive father and if you do not give them YOU then there will be problems. There will be a hole that will need to be filled.

Fathers, if you do not give them time and love then they will seek it from wherever they can. If they struggle with attraction to same sex then there. If they have an attraction to drugs then there or maybe they will become promiscuous because they cannot trust anyone. Fathers you help a boy become a man and demonstrate how they should act in society, and if you are not there who will fill that role? Fathers, you are the picture of who your daughter should marry when she grows up. How do you rate?

Stop making excuses, and make the change and commitment to your family. Be the prince for your daughter and the man your son needs to see. Be Christ to them.

For those fathers that have been there and have been this for their children. Thank you!!! Today you are almost a rarity.

Our children need you. We are losing them and Dads need to step up and be Dads!!

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