Monday, December 10, 2007

Ignorance is Bliss!

I was at an function that my daughter attends regularly and I brought a book with me because I knew that otherwise I would be rather board. I was sitting there reading my book when a woman that was standing beside me asked if I was in school.

I found this question weird for several reasons. The first being that I do not look like a college aged student, though I guess we all go to school at different stages in our lives. I was not holding a textbook, but a paperback book. I think it was because of the book title, which was ‘Illiberal Education’ by Dinesh D’Souza. Maybe the title or just the name having education in it, but I am not sure it was visible.

I believe that I was asked that question because I was reading a book that was not a current movie (i.e. Harry Potter or Bridge of Teribithia), or was a self-help book (i.e. You Best Life Now or Purpose Driven Life). This truly demonstrates to me an example of our American culture. In order to read a deep book that causes you to think, you must be in college and not just a thinking person who is looking to engage his mind or looking at challenging issues.

This is a sad comment on our culture. If someone is reading a semi-intellectual book, you have to be in school or doing some sort of academic work. As I looked around to see what others were doing, it became apparent that her observation was not off base. One person was reading a super-market check out magazine, another was texting on their phone, and yet another playing a video game. I was the only one reading a book that would require some thought to comprehend what was written, and I do not consider myself that much of an intellectual.

It is not a surprise when everyone believes what is being said within the media and what the liberal agenda pumps out in the press. It is no wonder why Christians have a hard time defending or understanding the deeper truths of Scripture. When we do not feed our brains they will start to atrophy. It is a muscle that needs to be used.

Some of the brilliant minds today will tell you to read an easy book of interest, and also read a book that you have to go slow through and think about as you read it. Read something challenging that challenges your thinking and strengthens your brain function. One great book that will challenge you over and over again is the Bible, as it will always make you think, reflect and challenge the way you see the world today.

The next time you are somewhere look around and see what people are reading, and my bet you will see books that you find on the best sellers list at any bookstore. Try reading Summa of the Summa, The Kingdom Triangle, Socrates, Pensee, Philosophy of Religion by Norman Geisler. Read some authors like Peter Kreeft, N.T. Wright, Dinesh D’Souza, J.P. Moreland, William Lane Craig, and Norman Geisler. These books and authors are not typically seen on popular lists, because they make people think too much. Train your brain, challenge your thinking and search for truth. You will not do any of it in the plethora of non-thinking jargon that is found on popular shelves at most bookstores.

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