Saturday, April 14, 2007

To Abort or Not to Abort? What is the Answer?

Over the weekend I was posed with the question of abortion. It was brought up with the scenario of a girl who is raped. My opinion in this scenario is to save the baby, and if someone has to die then kill the rapist not the innocent child.

Now I would not counsel the young girl in such a direct manner, but would walk her through how what happened to her was not her fault and that it is deplorable in all ways. I would then educate her on how the baby is a life from conception, and nothing else is needed but time and nutrients. Which is what we all still need to continue to grow and develop. I would also counsel her on her options for the child, either adoption or if her parents, family or relatives are willing to help then she could keep the child and still not be hindered in life.

The only time I believe abortion is even an option is in a tubular pregnancy, where the egg does not enter into the uterus and instead the baby starts to grow in the tube of the mother. This would result in both the mother and daughter dying. In this case it is better to choose the life of the mother, as the life of the child cannot be saved. For any other reason, I cannot see ending an innocent life.

Since there are such great arguments about the abortion issue, I have decided to give you links to read instead of trying to write everything out in the blog, as this would make one long blog.

Abortion Issue Articles:

The link below is a testimony of a girl that was aborted and lived:

The argument come to whether or not the baby is a human life at conception, and if so then killing an innocent life is wrong, morally, Biblically, and philosophically.

There is also always forgiveness and help for those that suffer from guilt and regret from an abortion. One can always find this in Christ.

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