Thursday, August 06, 2009

Truth Game!

Everyone knows that I had to return from India because of Late Stage Lyme Disease. It has been an interesting road to recovery. It has caused me two hospital visits. Once because it put my heart into afib, which was not an exciting adventure to go through. It appears now I am on the road to recovery, as my energy is coming back, pain is rescinding and the veil over my mind seems to be lifting. God has been good and is using all this to help us grow and trust in Him more. Our love has only deepened and our faith strengthened through this, because only through Him can I truly recover.

We were heart broken to have to return so early, and strongly desired to complete our two year stint, but God had other plans. I will, once recovered, go back to teaching in Bangalore for a couple of weeks during summers, but at this time we are not going to be moving back. With a new baby on the way and making sure my health stays stable, we believe that it is best to remain in the states for now, but I will go for two weeks each year to continue to teach and train church planters.

Through this I have been praying and seeking the will of God and He has continually brought me back to start an outreach on the college campus in Indiana, PA. This campus has 15,000 students and a heavy drinking and drug problem associated with it. My goal is to open a center where students can come and escape these enticements, because there is nothing else here besides bars and gas stations for them. We will utilize Wii’s, Play Stations, and Xbox’s to draw them in and then evangelize them through a variety of avenues.

We will have two rooms to hold Bible studies, mentoring programs and tutoring opportunities. During gaming contests we will have special speakers come in and give testimonies, or have different videos shown on the gaming screens. Our goal is to create an environment that will be safe and secure and give churches a place to reach those on the college campus. We will align with strong evangelical churches in order to move the students into ministries within their congregations, as we desire to feed the church.

Our goal is to be a tent making ministry, as we are going to sell the video games that we allow to be played on the systems in the center, and we will charge a small fee for using the gaming systems as well. We will also be selling coffee, food and work on becoming a distributor for a Christian clothing and gadget company. These will all help in off setting the costs for ministering to the campus students.

The goal is to be able to allow the students to play for free, but in order to do that we have to have the income coming in to allow us to cover those costs as well. Our desire is to give free game play to those students who are showing Christ like qualities and demonstrating it internally as well as externally.

We will also hold high school time slots, as we desire to reach them as well, but our focus is on the college campus. Using the mentoring as a way for the college students to give back to the community, we will set up college students with high school students, thus making a roll down effect. The college students will have mentors and then they will mentor, which helps us attain our goal: Impact a culture and change a generation!

This is where you come in, as you trusted us in India, I am now asking you to put trust in me again with this outreach. We need your prayers and your resources to help us get off the ground and started with this ministry. We would like to use IUP (Indiana University of Pennsylvania) as a starting hub, and if this is successful start other locations throughout the country, but we cannot do it without you.

Many of you had a two year commitment with us for India, and I am asking if you would consider giving your second year commitment to our new organization for this college outreach, Verum Venatus, which means Truth Game. I hate having to ask for money like this, but it is the only way I know at this time to move towards the goal of reaching these college kids for Christ.

We have a large vision, and the gaming center that will be used for mentoring and outreach is just a small part of it. We desire to open a counseling center along side of this outreach, but again this will cost money, as college students cannot pay a lot for counseling and will not ask parents out of embarrassment many times. We also have plans for helping to train those that have a desire to go into missions, as there are leaders in India, Africa and America that will partner with us to help bring up a new generation of people that will sacrifice their lives for the cause of Christ.

Again, much of this depends upon your prayers and God moving, and secondly on your willingness to give to this new ministry. I know God owns the cattle on a thousand hills, and He will provide. I am just asking you to be part of that provision. I have a detailed plan if you desire to see it and would love to talk to anyone who has interest in this outreach.

If you feel led to donate please make checks out to and send to:

Verum Venatus

33 Shady Drive

Indiana, PA 15701

All donations are tax deductible, as I have started the 501c3 above for this outreach purpose.

Very Truly Yours,

Alan Seymour

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