Typically when you ask someone or a group if God can do anything, they immediately say yes. But do we really want God to be able to do anything? If God can do anything then God should be able to tell lies, and if that is the case, how do we know that the Bible is not one big lie by God. Luckily, Hebrews 6:18 tells us otherwise, that God is not able to lie.
1 Samuel 15:29 says, “Furthermore, the Eternal One of Israel does not lie or change His mind, for He is not man who changes his mind.” God also appears not to change His mind, which again we should be very happy about. If God could change His mind then maybe He will change His mind about what it takes for salvation. You appear before the Throne of God and He says, “Yeah you accepted Christ and walked a great Christian walk, but I changed my mind and I am sending you to Hell anyway.” That would not be a great moment, but we can rest assured that our God is immutable, and does not change.
I have read in papers and have heard people say that God can do anything, and I know they typically mean it in a positive light, but words matter and we need to be careful how we use them, because our Great God cannot do anything and that is a good thing. It gives us a reassurance in that we can rely on what the Bible tells us about Salvation and our lives here on earth.
Sure God can do anything within His nature, but evil is not part of that, and to say that God can do anything is also to say that God can do evil. How can God be eternal love and evil at the same time? That is not a God that I want to worship, as that would be quite the schizophrenic God.
We know who He is and we are assured of our Salvation through Christ because God cannot change or lie to us. We know we have freedom within His commandments, because He is not going to change the rules and He is not trying to trick us with lies.
The next time someone tells you that God can do anything, remind them that our God cannot do evil and cannot change and we are so thankful for that. It would be a scary thought to think our Savior could be anything but Holy. How could He not be holy, because if He can do anything then He should be able to be unholy. We know He is Holy.
As I said in the beginning, Thank God that He cannot do anything.
Isaiah 6:3, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; The whole earth is full of His glory!”
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