What is the mindset of the average American and then what is the typical mindset of the Christian trying to witness? Why does witnessing not effectively work, in the sense that the message is not delivered in a manner that the person truly understands and then has the choice to make? How many of us pray to be more like Christ and then complain when we are persecuted or what seems like a tough time comes along? Your worldview is not truly lined up with Christ then.
Why is the Spirit not moving? Is it not time? Is it the delivery or is it both at times?
Have you ever asked yourself these questions? If not, then why not? We are to be a witness to those around us, and proclaim Christ to unbelievers, but if we do not understand them or ourselves then there is no way we can be effective.
Think about what the average Christian thinks and then ask yourself why? It is because of us, the Christians not living and teaching correct doctrine. It is also a failure to live out Christ in a correct fashion. If this is you then it is because your worldview is incorrect and needs to be corrected.
David Kinnaman from Barna.org writes, “First, only about one out of every 10 Americans is able to articulate a perspective that embraces an orthodox view of God, believes that Jesus did not sin, affirms the reality of the Holy Spirit, and acknowledges the existence of Satan. This leads to the second realization: Many people, even in the church, don’t understand the very basic structure of the supernatural realm. God is thought of as a great benevolent force; Jesus is seen as a ticket to heaven; the Holy Spirit has little space in our thoughts, words, or prayers; and Satan is laughed off as a medieval fabrication. How can the church be the church when millions of committed Christians don’t even take a biblical view seriously?”
This is because many Christians today do not have a worldview that is Biblically founded. If we were teaching a correct worldview and living it out then at least within the church there would not be the large discrepancy that Mr. Kinnaman has found in his research.
We cannot effectively be a model or preach to others if our worldview reflects what they are already doing. “Rather we are to recognize that God enables and empowers us to live above such standards, beyond the reach of the satanic influences on society, to live in a way that transcends the way the people around us behave.” – Dr. Charles Kraft
The problem today is that in many cases there is no difference between the Christian and the average person in worldview. How then can we witness when the world sees no real difference? Our worldview is to be different then this world and should be seen by those watching us. It should be natural because we line ourselves up with the Word of God and live as Christ did. Romans 12:2, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”
“Even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting.” (Romans 1:28).
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