Thursday, October 23, 2008

Possible New Changes-- Not Good Changes

By Tim Wildmon Posted: 10/22/2008

If the polls are to be believed, Americans are about to make history on November 4. And I am not talking about Sen. Barak Obama being the first African-American to be elected President of the United States. The history I am talking about is the fact that Americans have never been willing to elect a hard-core liberal to be their Commander in Chief. But it appears, they – we – are ready to embrace this worldview.

If Obama is elected President, it will represent some significant fundamental changes in our American way of life. Sweeping changes that may say a lot about our attitudes towards the traditional values that have long been taken for granted by many people.

Obama’s ideas for where he wants to take our country are on the extreme left of the political spectrum and were considered radical by a vast majority of Americans not too many years ago. Here are a couple of predictions about Obama and his potential presidency that will have a major impact on our country

* He will appoint American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) lawyers (or their ilk) to the federal bench including the Supreme Court. Liberals, like Obama, believe it is the court’s job to perform social engineering that legislative bodies will not do. Remember, these judges are lifetime appointments.

* Obama and the Democrats will move quickly to give amnesty or an easy “pathway to citizenship” to the 15 to 20 million illegal aliens currently living in our country. If this happens it will place the GOP into permanent minority status, and may lead ultimately to the death of the Republican party.

As my mama used to say, you are known by the company you keep. Jeremiah Wright was Obama’s pastor for nearly 20 years. We are all aware of the many wacky, bizarre, anti-American statements he has made, including his belief that the AIDS virus was maliciously injected into the black population by the federal government. Obama said he never knew his minister held these views. Does anyone really believe that? Only when it became politically expedient to disassociate himself from Wright did he do so.

Also, William Ayers, the unrepentant domestic terrorist, who lives in Chicago helped launch Obama’s political career in his – Ayers’ – living room. They served on boards together. Obama wrote a commendation for Ayers’ book. The point is, Obama has felt comfortable around Ayers and Wright for all these years because they are ideologically kindred spirits. As someone pointed out to me, Obama would not be eligible to get a job with the FBI because of these associations. But these facts don’t even give most Americans pause.

Now as for his economic views, Obama is an unapologetic socialist. As he told Joe the Plumber the other day, when he gets to the White House he is going to “spread the wealth around.” I have to hand it to Obama, that is about as straightforward as you can get. That is the language of Karl Marx, the father of Communism. Just 10 years ago, making that statement would have ended the campaign of any U.S. presidential candidate. It would have been a major media controversy. Not in today’s America. America, historically, has always been about capitalism, free markets, free enterprise, using your brain, risk-taking and reward. The idea of working hard and making more money for you and your family has always been a driving incentive in America. Socialism, however, believes that the government should take that money from that person who worked hard and succeeded and – as Obama said – redistribute it to others through welfare and entitlement programs. It’s also a way to buy votes from the masses. Promise people freebies, they will vote for you. And let me tell you, with the Democrats in total control of the House of Representatives, the Senate and the White House, you have never seen the kind of raw, unadulterated, peddle-to-the metal tax and spend socialism like we are about to experience.

Finally, Obama and many other liberal politicians promote an undercurrent of jealously and envy of those who have succeeded because of hard work, personal sacrifice and perseverance through hard times. But did you know that the top 10% of income earners in America already pay 71% of all federal income taxes? And the top 25% pay a whopping 86% of all federal income taxes. How is it “fair” to compel this group of Americans to pay even more? These are the people who are building companies and creating jobs. If we continue to soak them with more and more taxation, eventually, our free enterprise system will implode.

Obama may be this generation’s political Golden Boy, but he is no King Midas. His touch on our government will not turn everything to gold, but will more likely smother the American goose that laid the American Golden Egg.

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