Thursday, July 24, 2008

Politics and Religion do not Mix . . . . Really?

Have you ever heard that politics and religion do not mix? I am sure you have heard it one way or another in American Society. How did this happen and why? Maybe some of you can enlighten me, as I am curious to know, as it does not seem to conform to what the Bible tells us. It is just not logical either.

Religion is just personal and should be kept at home. What? How can something that affects every area of your life be kept at home? Your religion affects the way you look at life and how you interact within all its structures, from your neighbor to strangers, from home to the work place. If you cannot take your faith into politics then how do you follow the commandment to “pray without ceasing” in 1 Timothy 5:17, or 1 Peter 1:15 that says we should be holy in all our conduct, meaning in everything we do whether in political, personal, or in our everyday jobs. We are to incorporate our faith by praying and being Holy as according to the Bible.

I think we need to look at every candidate’s faith through a microscope. How can we trust someone if they are not following what they believe? Take Bill Clinton, who obviously never followed any moral commandments. Maybe it was during working hours, so he really did not need to follow his religious beliefs, which according to him is Christian. I am still looking for the Christian faith that says adultery is alright. If he cheats on his wife, breaking the most sacred union before God, then how can we trust him not to cheat in other areas in political life? It is not that much bigger of a step.

There is a candidate that says he has been in the church for many years, Barack Obama, and he has made a point of saying so to constituencies he thought it would matter to. Regardless, there should be a comparison of their religious lives and how they will impact the position of President of the United States. If a candidate can rationalize one sinful behavior then he can rationalize many others if he/she thinks it will enhance their career.

Romans 1 talks about immorality that time and again Barack Obama has said was alright. Teach about abstinence, but just in case teach about safe-sex practices. The only safe sex practice the Bible talks about is between a man and a wife in the marriage bed. Not sure how sex outside of marriage became a norm and acceptable to Mr. Obama. What happened to facing the consequences of your actions? If you touch fire you can get burned, and if you have sex you can have a baby. That is the choice, have sex or not. Not kill the baby because of my immoral choice.

He has the “their going to do it anyway” mentality and that is dangerous, as it just allows room for sinful behavior. What if he did it with foreign neighbors? I am sure Iran would love that philosophy. What about government spending? I think China and a few other communist countries would love this attitude.

The sanctity of life is enough for any Christian not to vote for him. God loves everyone and desires for them to be saved (1 Tim. 2:4), and killing them in the wound is murdering a child that God created and loves (Psalm 139:13-16).

Electing a President should not be about Republican or Democrat, but about how they stand in their lives lived. Are they promoting sin? If yes then as believers we should not be voting for them. We all have to stand before God and have to give an account. Do you want to tell God you voted for an immoral abortionist; someone that cannot walk what he proclaims to believe?

I may be about to upset many Christians out there, but in my opinion there is no way a Biblically minded Christian could in full conscience, knowing what the Word of God says, vote for Barack Obama. His life does not line up with what he says he believes.

Job 27:5, “Till I die I will not put away my integrity from me.”


Anonymous said...

This short youtube clips says it all:

Unknown said...

You know, we are accused of being hyppocrites and yet it is almost as if the general public would rather prefer that we remained as such. Just a thought.

Unknown said...

You know it is funny, they (general population)accuse Christians as being hyppocrites and want nothing to do with us. But then by the same token, they would almost rather us remain as such. They really do not want a real change one that demands a change in lifestyle.
Just a thought.