Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Are We Deceiving Ourselves?

Matthew 28:18-20, “And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.”

I had a wonderful conversation with a young lady after I taught a lesson on Friday night at Ransomed. She wanted to know how to witness to Muslims and how to debate in an effective way that would bring people to Christ and not shy them away. I have talked about it all week, and she is a great example of someone who has a desire to follow the great commission in the nation she is currently. Unfortunately this is a rarity today and not the norm, though it should be.

Read over this verse and see what is being said here, because I think as believers we are missing it. We are told to go and make disciples of all the nations. Do you do this? You may ask; how can I? I have a wife and kids, or I am in college, or this or that. You can do it right where God has you, as that is part of “all” nations. We are doing this very poorly, and from what I have seen we are barely doing it at all.

We say we are Christ’s, but do we do what He says? Do you teach those you have opportunity to be with to obey His commandments? Not just the love one, as it is very important, we tend to use it to excuse all the other commands. Some have used it to make excuses not to witness at all. Do you teach them to love the Lord Your God with all their heart, soul, and mind? We are really lacking on the mind aspect, as we have made God too much of a feeling and not reality in my opinion. Luckily, there are those out there fighting this battle and to them I say, “Thank You.”

How many people have you invited to your church lately? If none why not? Is it because you are embarrassed by your church, pastor, or church friends? If so, then why do you stay? How do we bring people to Christ if we are not talking about Him? It will not happen by osmosis, though that would be great. If we are following the Great Commission we should be.

How many people are you discipling? Who is discipling you? If none, why? Are we afraid of answering the tough questions, or being asked the tough questions? Accountability has become a swear word in a lot of Christian circles, though it should be sought out and desired by those of us who claim to be Christ followers.

Are we deceiving ourselves in American Christianity? Have we so watered down the Scripture that we no longer feel compelled to follow the commands of Christ, who died for us? He gave us His all; why aren’t we giving Him ours?

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