Saturday, November 17, 2007

Imposing Your Will

Proverbs 29:2, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules, the people groan.”

Can Christians legislate morality? For that matter can anyone legislate morality? In our country today they seem to think that we cannot impose our morals on anyone because that would be intolerant. The funny thing is that by telling us we cannot impose our morals they are in turn imposing theirs upon us. The question today is not whether or not we can legislate morality, but whose morality will be legislated.

Christians today have been somewhat brainwashed into thinking we have to just go with the flow. We have backed down and hid behind the doors as not to offend anyone. We have changed our services so that non-believers will feel more comfortable. In reality we have been allowing the world to impose their morals upon us for the last fifty years at least. Just a few examples would be prayer being taken out of school, teaching of creation being taken out of school, and making it easier and easier to live any immoral life you want without problem. The majority of Christians have stood back and let it happen. Some sit around and complain about issues and happenings today, but when asked to step up and be part of the change they are too afraid of what people will think.

Christians should welcome the ability to be part of legislating morality. We use to be. Why do you think slavery was finally abolished? Why do you think there are schools in the first place? Or why there are the freedoms you have today? Because Christians were involved in the process and legislated our laws. You can fight all you want about a few of them being Deists, but even they believed in a creator and legislating the Ten Commandments. They were not trying to take God out of everything with the false dictum of church-state separation. They loved God being involved. They did not want a national church.

You can’t help but legislate your morality. We vote on who we think best represents our values and utilizes those to best run our country. We all see through tainted lenses, be it Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu, Buddhist, or Atheist. You vote and recommend laws based on your religious lens (and Atheism is just as much a religion as any of the other beliefs).

Look at what is happening in America today because Christians have fell for the bunk of separation of church and state. You cannot even talk about your faith in government facilities without the other person asking you first. That goes completely against what the Bible tells us. It tells us to tell everyone and to live it out in all that you do, say and think. How can you not talk about your Savior at work? It must be stifling.

Abortion has now killed 45 million babies. Teen pregnancy is up, teen suicide is up, cohabitation now is alright, friends with benefits is the new thing, being experimental is the way to be, and you are just a prude if you keep your virginity past 15 years old. Divorce has skyrocketed, drug abuse and pornography is rampant, and we worship the idols on television and in the sports arena more then we worship God.

This has all happened in the last fifty years because we have taken God out of our public lives. We have asked Him to leave and He has. We are being turned over to our sins and we don’t want to see it. Why? Because we do not think it is right to impose our morality on others, and all the long they are imposing it on us and we are drinking it up like there was no tomorrow.

When do we say enough is enough? When it becomes illegal to witness? Wait, it already is in certain places. Numerous people have been fired for sharing or living out their faith in America. Why is that if morality is not legislated? Keep drinking.

A major election year is coming up and Christians need to start voting according to the Word of God. The people they vote to legislate and protect us need to have the qualifications laid out in the Bible, because otherwise there will be trouble. Will they make mistakes? Yes, but they typically will not make the mistake of legalizing drugs, or killing babies before they have a chance to live.

I just pray that we understand it is not whether or not we legislate morality, because it happens whether you think so or not. The question is whose morality are we going to legislate.

Proverbs 14:34, “Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a reproach to any people.”

Proverbs 11:11, “By the blessing of the upright the city is exalted, But it is overthrown by the mouth of the wicked.

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