Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Some Questions for the Christian Evolutionists

I went to a Christian discussion group the other day. The group is called TREK, and one of my friends was answering some questions regarding problematic questions regarding Scripture.

During the questioning the idea of evolution came up and that there should be no reason that we should have any trouble believing that God used evolution to bring about man. I am not going to get into too many specifics, as this is a blog designed to bring up questions and new ways to think about issues and ideas, but this is a very important topic and needs to be looked at by everyone in my opinion.

His argument was based on bones that demonstrate that evolution existed, but in reality there are no bones that show a transition from one species to the next, and there should be thousands demonstrating the small transitions from one species to the next. This is not an area I necessarily want to focus on for this conversation.

First, the Christian evolutionist would say that God basically got the ball rolling and then had man evolve from the primordial ooze. But what about Eve? The Bible says that she was made from Adam’s rib. How does this correlate with evolution? The Christian evolutionist would have to say this is not accurate, and must be some sort of error in the Bible. Then this itself becomes a slippery slope right from the beginning, because if there is one mistake in the Bible then there could be many more. It puts the entire Bible into question, including the resurrection of Christ, which is just as miraculous as making a woman from a rib, and is even more miraculous to bring a person back to life. It would be no problem at all to create man from the dust of the earth and a woman from a rib.

If evolution is true then when was the soul entered into humans? Which human was the perfect one to start with? Was the part human, part monkey not good enough to have a soul worth saving, or did all animals to that point have souls worth saving? Did Christ die for all creatures or humans, because if we all evolved then we are all connected and hence we are all of the same essence? Are animals saved then?

When did morals evolve and whose morals are the best? We assume that the West has it best, and maybe we do, but maybe we don’t? What is going to happen in the future as we evolve to the next stage? Will there still be humans, and if not was the atonement only for a period of time?

If anyone has any answers or suggestions to my questions above then let me know, but unless there is some accurate information to the questions above then I am going to stick with what the Word of God tells me. God created man from the dust of the earth and did not just cause him to evolve.

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