A question was asked of Dr. Caners: “Does Muslim eschatology depend upon conquest of the World?” Their answer was a little surprising. They said that they were taught, as most Muslims are, that the infidels (anyone not Muslim) would become Allah’s. They are taught that fighting them is how you accomplish this. Dr. William Lane Craig added to this by stating that in the 9th Surah, it talks about Muslims laying in wait to ambush and exterminate unbelievers, again anyone not a believer.
There are 100 levels of Heaven in Islam and the highest level is for those that Martyr themselves, and supposedly the only guarantee of attaining Heaven at all. There is still the argument that Allah, who can do anything, even lie and deceive, could ultimately change his mind on the way to heaven. For the Muslim your good must out weigh your bad to get into heaven and then hope that Allah sees it that way as well. On the other end there are 7 levels of Hell and the lowest levels are for Jews and Christians, and especially for those that turn Christian from the Islam faith.
It starts to demonstrate why Muslims have no fear of killing themselves by strapping a bomb to themselves and walking into a hotel, or taking over a plane and flying it into a building, because they believe they are martyrs for the sake of Allah. Most will say that this is the extreme side of Islam, but not according to many that have left the Muslim religion and become a Christian. It is not uncommon to be taught this. If the Koran is to be followed, then by any means necessary is the world to become under the rule of Islam.
They gave an example with Israel and the PLO and compared it to the Klansmen. They asked if the Klan started bombing children’s centers and asked for land, would we give it to them? Of course we wouldn’t, but why do we do this with Muslims that use violence to attain what they want. This is exactly the same thing as what is going on in Israel today. These terrorists according to many I have listened to and read are considered the purists of the faith, the truly orthodox followers of the Koran.
This is important to understand because when we are dealing with countries like Iran and other Muslim based countries, we need to understand what is behind every decision they are making. Their religion and politic is completely integrated together, and there is no division. The goal is to bring in the 12th Imman and take over the world for Allah. They will deceive in order to attain this, because there is no problem in deceiving infidels.
Islam did not begin until the 7th century and they rewrite history continually to fit their eschatological view. There are many Muslims that refuse to believe that Desert Storm ever took place, because it was a loss for Islam and they never believe that they could lose a war.
All one needs to do is read the Qur’an themselves to see how violence is propagated. Many will show that in the beginning that it shows peace, but that is because it was written early, and the rest was written later. The Koran was not written all at once, but over a period of time, you can see how Muhammad’s eschatology changes and becomes more violent towards those that will not follow Allah.
Like anything else, do not always drink the “Kool-Aide” because someone says it on television, or in a blog like mine for that matter, but go to the source and read for yourself. That would be the Qur’an.
John 8:31-32, “Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

It starts to demonstrate why Muslims have no fear of killing themselves by strapping a bomb to themselves and walking into a hotel, or taking over a plane and flying it into a building, because they believe they are martyrs for the sake of Allah. Most will say that this is the extreme side of Islam, but not according to many that have left the Muslim religion and become a Christian. It is not uncommon to be taught this. If the Koran is to be followed, then by any means necessary is the world to become under the rule of Islam.
They gave an example with Israel and the PLO and compared it to the Klansmen. They asked if the Klan started bombing children’s centers and asked for land, would we give it to them? Of course we wouldn’t, but why do we do this with Muslims that use violence to attain what they want. This is exactly the same thing as what is going on in Israel today. These terrorists according to many I have listened to and read are considered the purists of the faith, the truly orthodox followers of the Koran.
This is important to understand because when we are dealing with countries like Iran and other Muslim based countries, we need to understand what is behind every decision they are making. Their religion and politic is completely integrated together, and there is no division. The goal is to bring in the 12th Imman and take over the world for Allah. They will deceive in order to attain this, because there is no problem in deceiving infidels.
Islam did not begin until the 7th century and they rewrite history continually to fit their eschatological view. There are many Muslims that refuse to believe that Desert Storm ever took place, because it was a loss for Islam and they never believe that they could lose a war.
All one needs to do is read the Qur’an themselves to see how violence is propagated. Many will show that in the beginning that it shows peace, but that is because it was written early, and the rest was written later. The Koran was not written all at once, but over a period of time, you can see how Muhammad’s eschatology changes and becomes more violent towards those that will not follow Allah.
Like anything else, do not always drink the “Kool-Aide” because someone says it on television, or in a blog like mine for that matter, but go to the source and read for yourself. That would be the Qur’an.